地道美语听力播客510:洗澡 Taking a Shower or Bath
教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:922  
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    I spent the day helping my friend, Babbit, on hisfarm. When I got home, my wife said, “You stink!” Iheaded straight for the shower.


    I ran the water, closed the shower curtain, andadjusted the showerhead. I worked the soap into alather and scrubbed from head to toe. I rinsed offthe soap and toweled off.


    When I went back into the living room, my wife said, “You still stink! You need to soak in abath!”


    I went back into the bathroom, put the stopper in the bathtub, and turned on the faucet. Ididn’t want to take any chances. I took some of my wife’s bubble bath and poured it into thebathtub. When the bath was ready, I got in. I soaked for a half hour and I washed every nookand cranny.


    When I went back into the living room, my wife said, “Wow, you smell as pretty as a flower!”That wasn’t exactly what I was going for, but I’d rather smell like flowers than pigs!


      上一篇:地道美语听力播客508:后悔做过的事 下一篇:地道美语听力播客512:改变谈话主题

