地道美语听力播客703: 二次诊断(双语)
教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:525  
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    Greg: Where are you going?


    Anne: I’m going to see another doctor to get a second opinion. My doctor diagnosed me with a serious medical condition and I don’t want to take it at face value.


    Greg: You’re second- guessing your doctor?


    Anne: No, I just want to make sure he’s right. He’s also recommending a conservative treatment for this condition, and if I really have it, I want to be more aggressive.


    Greg: Doesn’t your doctor mind that you’re getting a second opinion?


    Anne: No, he even gave me a recommendation for another specialist.


    Greg: What’s all of that?


    Anne: This is a complete set of my records along with my test results. I’m hoping he’ll have a fresh perspective when he looks at all of it and my patient history.


    Greg: What are you hoping he’ll find?


    Anne: The best-case scenario is that he’ll find that my doctor was wrong and that I don’t really have this condition.


    Greg: If he tells you that, wouldn’t you be dubious? You’ll have one doctor telling you that you have it and one telling you that you don’t.


    Anne: Then, it would be time for a third opinion.



    Greg: Where are you going?

    Anne: I’m going to see another doctor to get a second opinion. My doctor diagnosed me with a serious medical condition and I don’t want to take it at face value.

    Greg: You’re second- guessing your doctor?

    Anne: No, I just want to make sure he’s right. He’s also recommending a conservative treatment for this condition, and if I really have it, I want to be more aggressive.

    Greg: Doesn’t your doctor mind that you’re getting a second opinion?

    Anne: No, he even gave me a recommendation for another specialist.

    Greg: What’s all of that?

    Anne: This is a complete set of my records along with my test results. I’m hoping he’ll have a fresh perspective when he looks at all of it and my patient history.

    Greg: What are you hoping he’ll find?

    Anne: The best-case scenario is that he’ll find that my doctor was wrong and that I don’t really have this condition.

    Greg: If he tells you that, wouldn’t you be dubious? You’ll have one doctor telling you that you have it and one telling you that you don’t.

    Anne: Then, it would be time for a third opinion.

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客702: 表述可能性(双语) 下一篇:地道美语听力播客704: 不良信贷(双语)

