地道美语听力播客721: 设计大楼(双语)
教程:地道美语听力播客  浏览:528  
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    Kathy: Seeing these blueprints really brings this project to life. I can now envision what this building will look like when it’s built. 
    Brett: I’m really glad. As the architect on this project, it’s my job to turn your ideas into design
    Kathy: You did a great job. 
    Brett: I had the help of the surveyors and a civil engineer, so I can’t take all of the credit
    Kathy: We’re ready now to solicit bids from general contractors, don’t you think? 
    Brett: These plans will give any contractor the specifications they need to give a detailed and accurate bid. There’ll be no problems with permits, I don’t think, because a similar structure was on this building siteabout 10 years ago before it was torn down
    Kathy: I’m hoping not to run into any stumbling blocks, but you never know with a building project. I’ll know we’ve cleared the hurdles when I can bring in the interior designers


    Kathy: Seeing these blueprints really brings this project to life. I can now envision what this building will look like when it’s built. 

    Brett: I’m really glad. As the architect on this project, it’s my job to turn your ideas into design

    Kathy: You did a great job. 

    Brett: I had the help of the surveyors and a civil engineer, so I can’t take all of the credit

    Kathy: We’re ready now to solicit bids from general contractors, don’t you think? 

    Brett: These plans will give any contractor the specifications they need to give a detailed and accurate bid. There’ll be no problems with permits, I don’t think, because a similar structure was on this building siteabout 10 years ago before it was torn down

    Kathy: I’m hoping not to run into any stumbling blocks, but you never know with a building project. I’ll know we’ve cleared the hurdles when I can bring in the interior designers

      上一篇:地道美语听力播客720: 旅行用电(双语) 下一篇:地道美语听力播客722: 观看马戏团表演(双语)

