英语小达人每天10分钟 160 I Merely Got Tired
教程:英语小达人每天10分钟  浏览:1288  
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    15 I Merely Got Tired

    15 我只是累了

    In the capital of Iceland, Mrs. Brown's old grandfatherlived with her and her husband. Every morning hewent for his regular walk in the park and came homeat half past twelve for his lunch.


    But one morning a police car stopped outside Mrs.Brown's house at twelve o'clock, and two copshelped Mr. Brown to get out. One of them said toMrs. Brown, “The forgetful old gentleman lost his way in the park and telephoned to us for help,so we sent a car to bring him home.” Mrs. Brown was very surprised that she thanked the copsgratefully and they left.


    “But, grandfather,” she then asked the suspect old man, “you have been to that park nearlyevery day for twenty years. How did you lose your way there?”


    The old man smiled, clapped his forehead and said, “The sunlight is too strong. I merely gottired and I didn't want to walk home. So I went to a phone booth and dialed to the police!”


      上一篇:英语小达人每天10分钟 159 Weather Forecast 下一篇:英语小达人每天10分钟 161 He wanted to talk to Billy

