英语小达人每天10分钟 193 Flee so Fast
教程:英语小达人每天10分钟  浏览:1105  
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    48 Flee so Fast

    48 跑得这么快

    A big battle was going on during the First World War.Guns were firing, missiles were exploded everywhere,and the atmosphere was full of smog.


    After an hour of this, one of the soldiers decided thatthe fighting was getting too dangerous for him andtherefore he bandaged up his head and began to goaway from the battle.


    After he has run down the path for an hour , he saw an officer coming towards him. The officerstopped him and said: "Where are you going?"


    "I am trying to get as far away as possible from the battle that is going on behind us, sir" thesoldier answered.


    "Man, show your bravery. Do you know my rank?" The officer said to him angrily, "I am yourcommanding officer".


    The soldier was very surprised when he heard this and said: "My God, I didn't know that I wasso far back already!"


      上一篇:英语小达人每天10分钟 192 I never work after supper 下一篇:英语小达人每天10分钟 194 A boy or a girl?

