"So do you think we're a bunch of superstitious natives or what?" he asked in a playful tone, but with a hint of worry. I still hadn't looked away from the ocean. I turned and smiled at him as normally as I could.
"No. I think you're very good at telling scary stories, though. I still have goose bumps, see?" I held up my arm.
"Cool." He smiled.
And then the sound of the beach rocks clattering against each other warned us that someone was approaching. Our heads snapped up at the same time to see Mike and Jessica about fifty yards away, walking toward us. "There you are, Bella," Mike called in relief, waving his arm over his head.
然后,海滩上的碎石发出的喀拉喀拉声提醒我们有人来了。我们同时猛地回过头去,看见迈克和杰西卡在十五码外的地方,向我们走来。 “原来你在这里,贝拉。”迈克如释重负地喊道,把手举过头顶用力地挥舞着。