英语口译教程(第二版)--高级 06
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    [00:01.00]英语高级口译资格证书考 试 高级口译教程第二版 第六盒;
    [00:41.30]Unit Fourteen Foreign Policy Text for Interpretation;
    [00:52.70]Passage 1 Chines-English Interpretation Text Interpreting;
    [01:03.93]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from Chinese into English:;
    [01:13.45]女士们、先生们: 当今世界正处于复杂的大 变革时期。;
    [01:21.32]国际形势总体趋于缓和, 通过和平谈判解决争端的 倾向明显增强。;
    [01:30.39]多极化趋势进一步发展, 广大发展中国家在国际事 务中发挥着积极的作用。;
    [01:39.93]经济因素在国际事务中的 作用日益突出。维护世界 和平,促进经济发展,是 世界各国人民的共同愿望;
    [01:52.42]然而影响稳定的不确定因 素依然存在,霸权主义和 强权政治不愿退出舞台。;
    [02:02.02]局部地区的武装冲突时有 爆发,天下仍不太平。许 多发展中国家仍然为经济 困难所困扰,;
    [02:13.97]发达国家和发展中国家之 间的差距继续扩大。 世界和平与发展面临着无 数挑战。;
    [02:24.55]我国奉行和平的独立外交 政策。;
    [02:29.71]我国积极的外交活动不仅 有助于为中国继续进行改 革与开放创造一个良好的 国际环境,;
    [02:39.13]而且也为维护世界和平、 促进共同繁荣作出了 贡献。;
    [02:46.28]但是,由于国际舞台上经 常出现的新情况和新问 题,我国外交工作面临着 艰难的局面。;
    [02:56.78]因此,继续为国内现代化 建设营造一个有利的国际 和平环境,继续为经济发 展、改革和开放服务,;
    [03:07.42]仍然是我国外交工作的基 本目标。 我国积极参与外交活动,;
    [03:15.97]坚决维护联合国宪章的宗 旨和原则,维护联合国在 国际和平与发展事务中的 主导地位,;
    [03:25.60]旗帜鲜明地反对“人权高 于主权”等新干涉主义谬 论,树立了坚持原则、 主持公道、伸张正义、;
    [03:36.04]维护和平、促进发展的良 好形象。;
    [03:40.90]我国和外国政府领导人之 间的互访推动了双边关系 的发展。;
    [03:48.70]我国同周边国家的睦邻友 好关系继续深入发展, 同发展中国家的高层往 来增多,;
    [03:57.56]同西方国家的关系继续得 到改善。我国同世界各国 的贸易往来日益扩大,经 济技术合作领域不断拓宽;
    [04:09.39]我国积极参与国际事务, 在和平解决国际争端、推 动全球和区域性经济合作 等方面,发挥了重要作用;
    [04:21.76]展望未来,我国政府将继 续坚定不移地奉行独立自 主的和平外交政策,;
    [04:31.45]同世界各国建立和发展友 好关系,反对霸权主义和 强权政治,维护世界和 平,推动社会发展,;
    [04:43.05]促进人类进步。我国将始 终不渝地招待睦邻友好政 策,;
    [04:50.35]愿意同所有的周边国家在 广泛领域里进行友好合 作。;
    [04:56.79]我们将继续加强同广大发 展中国家的团结与合作, 加强在双边和国际事务中 的磋商,;
    [05:06.30]进一步增进业已存在的友 好关系,共同维护发展中 国家的权益。;
    [05:13.25]我们希望在相互尊重、互 不干涉内政、平等互利的 基础上,继续改善和发展 同西方国家的关系,;
    [05:23.92]增进交往,保持经贸合作 的发展势头。 我国的是维护世界和平与 稳定的强大力量,;
    [05:33.87]不会对任何国家构成威 胁。我国愿意通过平等对 话和以双边谈判的方式解 决争议问题。;
    [05:43.53]我们认为,国家不分大小 强弱,都是国际社会中平 等的一员,都有权选择自 己的社会制度和发展道路;
    [05:55.87]我们不把自己的社会制度 和意识形态强加给别国,;
    [06:01.54]也坚决反对别国把他们的 社会制度和意识形态强加 给我们,;
    [06:08.30]我们主张在平等互利的基 础上积极开展国际经贸科 技合作,反对各种 不平等和歧视性的做法。;
    [06:20.44]我们主张各国在和平共处 五项原则和其他公认的国 际关系准则的基础上,;
    [06:28.87]建立和平、稳定、公正、 合理的国际政治经济新秩 序。我国一贯致力于和平 与发展的崇高事业,;
    [06:39.87]愿意同世界各国一道, 为建设一个和平、稳定、 繁荣、美好的新世界而作 出不懈的努力。;
    [06:51.86]Passage 2 English-Chinese Interpretation Text interpreting;
    [07:05.18]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from English into Chinese:;
    [07:15.32]Ladies and gentlemen,;
    [07:18.39]It's my pleasure this morning to outline the most important instruments;
    [07:23.13]of modern American foreign policy,namely, diplomacy, the United Nations,;
    [07:30.58]the international monetary structure, economic aid, collective security,;
    [07:37.88]and military deterrence. An understanding of these instruments,I believe,;
    [07:45.04]will help you further understand the conduct of American foreign policy.;
    [07:50.70]The utmost purpose of American foreign policy is to defend national sovereignty;
    [07:57.80]and national interests. In light of the history;
    [08:01.97]and development of American values, diplomacy has been regarded as;
    [08:07.39]the most important instrument to which all other instruments must be subordinated.;
    [08:13.68]Its purpose is to promote national values or interests by peaceful means.;
    [08:20.84]However, diplomacy, by its very nature,;
    [08:25.46]is often overshadowed by spectacular international events, dramatic initiatives,;
    [08:33.36]and meetings among heads of state. Worse still,;
    [08:38.78]traditional American distrust of diplomacy continues today,albeit in weaker form.;
    [08:47.34]Impatience with or downright distrust of diplomacy has been built;
    [08:54.17]not only into all the other instruments of foreign policy;
    [08:58.10]but also into the modern presidential system itself. Due to the time limit,;
    [09:04.90]I'm not going to talk about this problem in any extensive way.;
    [09:09.90]The utility of the United Nations to the United States as an instrument;
    [09:15.30]of foreign policy can too easily be underestimated.;
    [09:20.04]Over the years since its founding in 1945,;
    [09:24.99]the United Nations has been more or less a servant of American interests.;
    [09:31.55]The most spectacular examples were the official U. N. authorization;
    [09:37.48]and sponsorship of intervention in the "troubled spots"of the world;
    [09:42.67]with an international peacekeeping force.;
    [09:46.21]Consider this fact:The United States provides an average quarter of the U. N. budget.;
    [09:53.19]Many Americans feel the United Nations does not give good va- lue for the investment;
    [10:01.12]But any evaluation of the United Nations must take into account the purpose;
    [10:07.62]for which the United States sought to create it: power without diplomacy.;
    [10:13.73]In many cases, a victory of the United Nations is a victory of the United States.;
    [10:21.00]In recent years, however, with the growing position of China;
    [10:25.20]and some other countries in international diplomacy,;
    [10:28.96]the United States can no longer control U.N. decisions as it did before.;
    [10:34.98]But the United Nations will continue to function;
    [10:38.59]as a useful instrument of American foreign policy.;
    [10:43.15]The World Bank was set up to finance long-term capital.;
    [10:48.55]Leading nations took on the obligation of contributing funds to enable the World Bank;
    [10:55.31]to make loans to capital-hungry countries.;
    [10:59.16]The U.S.quota has been about one-third of the total.;
    [11:04.29]The IMF (the International Monetary Fund) was set up to;
    [11:09.98]provide for the short-term flow of money and lend dollars;
    [11:14.24]to needy member countries to help them overcome temporary trade deficits.;
    [11:19.88]The United States also has a big role in financing the IMF.;
    [11:25.93]American commitment to rebuilding war-torn countries;
    [11:30.61]came as early as its commitment to the postwar international monetary structure.;
    [11:36.60]Enacting American foreign aid constitut- es part of the Americ- an foreign policy.;
    [11:42.80]During the last fifty years, the geographic emphasis of American economic aid shifted;
    [11:50.31]from assisting the reconstruction and recovery of western Europe,;
    [11:54.69]to Southeast Asia, and then to what became known as the Third World.;
    [12:01.40]Many critics have argued that foreign aid is really aid for the minority political;
    [12:07.51]and economic elites, not for the people.;
    [12:10.34]A much more important critique is that American foreign economic assistance;
    [12:16.22]has failed to contribute fully to American interests;
    [12:20.27]because its administration is often put outside the State Department.;
    [12:25.96]The United States gives great importance to regional collective security agreements.;
    [12:32.91]This country has entered a number of collective security treaties,;
    [12:38.07]both multilateral and bilateral.;
    [12:41.35]A typical example is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).;
    [12:47.96]Americans realize that the United States cannot meet its world obligation;
    [12:54.22]through the United Nations and economic structures alone.;
    [12:58.84]There is a need for military alliance;
    [13:01.95]with other countries for national and world security.;
    [13:05.82]Consequently, the United States has consistently devoted;
    [13:12.41]at least 6 percent of its gross national product to defense.;
    [13:16.16]Military deterrence was a product of US-Soviet confrontation;
    [13:22.48]since the end of World War 11, when the traditional American strategy;
    [13:27.79]of "demobilization in peace and remobiliza-tion in war " was broken.;
    [13:34.38]However, the size of the defense budget has not been central to the consideration;
    [13:41.50]of deterrence as an instrument of foreign policy.;
    [13:44.30]What is important is the advanced military technology,;
    [13:48.54]which is regarded by most congressmen as the primary deterrence in the world.;
    [13:55.27]Although Republicans and Democrats look at the world somewhat differently,;
    [14:01.03]and although each president has tried to impose a distinctive flavor;
    [14:05.49]of his own on foreign policy,they have all made use of these basic instruments.;
    [14:11.79]They all understand that power plus diplomacy is the best solution;
    [14:17.40]to the problem of controlling conflict among the distrustful nations of the world.;
    [14:23.49]Extra Text for Practice;
    [14:32.25]Passage 1 Chinese-English Interpretation;
    [14:39.78]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from Chinese into English:;
    [14:50.03]女士们,先生们: 当前,国际局势正在发生 深刻的变化。;
    [14:57.48]冷战结束以来,世界形势 总体趋向缓和。各国人民 要和平、求稳定、谋发展 的呼声日益高涨。;
    [15:08.89]但是,天下仍很不太平.霸 权主义、强权政治在国际 政治、经济和安全领域中 依然存在,并有新的发展.;
    [15:23.23]一些大国奉行新的“炮舰 政策”和新的经济殖民主 义,;
    [15:29.65]使许多中小国家的主权独 立和发展利益遭到严重的 损害,使世界和平与 国际安全受到威胁。;
    [15:40.99]为了维护世界和平,促进 共同发展,;
    [15:45.59]所有国家都必须严格尊循 世界反法西斯战争以来所 形成的国际关系基本 准则,;
    [15:54.82]包括和平共处五项原则和 《联合国宪章》的宗旨和 原则。;
    [16:01.18]任何国家都不能无法无 天、肆意违背和践踏这些 原则。国家不分大小强 弱,;
    [16:11.22]都是国际社会的平等成 员,各国的事情由务国 人民自己做主,国际上的 事情要由大家商量解决。;
    [16:21.99]这是一切爱好和平国家和 人民的共同意志,也是不 可阻挡的历史潮流。;
    [16:30.42]开展国际经济交往,应该 坚持平等互利、共同发 展。制定国际经济贸易领 域的新规则,;
    [16:41.61]应该充分反映发展中国家 的合理要求,注意保障它 们的正当权益,发达国家 应该也有能力承担更义务;
    [16:54.21]任何国家都不得利用自己 的优势在经济全球化中谋 取特权和损害别国的 利益。;
    [17:03.95]附加政治条件的经济合作 和援助从来不受欢迎,形 形色色的贸易保护主义既 危害别人,;
    [17:13.94]最终也会损害自己。这种 历史的教训不应忘记。南 北经济差距不断拉大的恶 性趋势,;
    [17:25.54]应该引起高度的重视,应 采取切实有效的措施逐步 加以解决。否则,穷国愈 穷,富国愈富,;
    [17:36.70]不仅发展中国家的经济发 展会受到影响,发达国 家也难以实现稳定的经 济增长。;
    [17:46.18]维护世界安全,必须彻底 摈弃冷战思维,;
    [17:51.98]努力把国际社会的持久和 平建立在促进务国相互信 任和共同利益的新安全观 的基础上。;
    [18:01.49]应该通过对话增进信任, 通过合作谋求安全,相互 尊重主权,和平解决 争端。;
    [18:11.48]维护民族尊严和国家独 立,自主选择本国的社 会制度、发展道路和生活 方式,;
    [18:20.06]不容许外来势力干涉同 政,是各国人民的神圣 权利,;
    [18:26.70]也是发展中国家走向繁荣 昌盛的重要前提和根本 保障。;
    [18:33.74]中国的现代化建设,需要 一个长期的和平国际环境 和良好的周边环境。;
    [18:42.30]中国的发展与稳定,中国 周边地区的和平与繁荣,;
    [18:47.71]以及执照和平共处五项原 则建立和维护地区安全新 秩序,是亚洲各国的共同 利益之所在,;
    [18:57.23]也是中国的根本利益之 所在。中国坚持奉行独立 自主的和平外交政策和防 御性的国防政策。;
    [19:09.25]中国的发展不会对任何国 家构成威胁,只会有利于 地区和世界的和平与 繁荣。;
    [19:18.55]今后中国发达起来了, 也将矢志不渝地奉行独立 自主的和平外交政策,;
    [19:26.64]坚定不移地同广大发展中 国家以及一切爱好和平的 国家和人民站在一起。 “已所不欲,勿施于人”。;
    [19:38.71]中国坚决反对霸权主义和 强权政治。中国永远不称 霸,这是中国政府和人民 对世界作出的庄严承诺。;
    [19:53.28]Passage 2 English-Chinese Interpretation;
    [20:01.32]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from English into Chinese:;
    [20:11.79]The American people deeply admire China for its thousands of years;
    [20:18.41]of contributions to culture and religion, to philosophy and art,;
    [20:23.70]to science and technology. Now we see China at a moment in history;
    [20:30.26]when your glorious past is matched by your present sweeping transformation;
    [20:35.92]and the even greater promise of your future.;
    [20:40.11]As the Chinese people have their values, we have our own.;
    [20:45.98]Americans share a fundamental conviction;
    [20:49.65]that people everywhere have the right to be treated with dignity,;
    [20:53.98]to give voice to their opinion, to choose their own leaders, to worship as they please;
    [21:01.35]We must also admit that we in America are not blameless in our social fabric —;
    [21:08.02]our crime rate is too high; too many of our children are still killed with guns;;
    [21:14.41]too many of our streets are still riddled with drugs.;
    [21:18.77]We have things to learn from other soci- eties as well,and pro- blems we have to solve;
    [21:25.82]And if we expect other people to listen to us about the problems they have,;
    [21:32.10]we must be prepared to listen to them about the problems we have.;
    [21:37.41]The U.S. China policy is one of pragmatic nature.;
    [21:43.28]This pragmatic policy of engagement, of expanding our areas of cooperation with China;
    [21:50.76]while confronting our differences openly and respectfully —;
    [21:55.39]this is the best way to advance our fundamental interests and our values;
    [22:00.72]and to promote a more open and free China. I know there are those who disagree.;
    [22:08.44]They insist that China's interests and America's are inexorably in conflict;
    [22:16.58]They do not believe the Chinese system will continue to evolve;
    [22:21.52]in a way that elevates not only human material condition,but also the human spirit.;
    [22:28.46]They,therefore,believe we should be working harder to contain;
    [22:33.04]or even to confront China before it becomes even stronger.;
    [22:38.70]I believe this view is wrong. Isolation of China is unworkable, counterproductive,;
    [22:47.23]and potentially dangerous. Military, political,;
    [22:51.93]and economic measures to do such a thing would find little support among;
    [22:57.12]our allies around the world. Isolation would encourage the Chinese to become hostile;
    [23:04.03]and to adopt policies of conflict with our own interests and values.;
    [23:10.30]It will eliminate, not facilitate,cooperation on weapons proliferation.;
    [23:17.09]It would hinder, not help, our efforts to foster stability in Asia,;
    [23:23.97]It would exacerbate, not ameliorate, the plight of dissidents.;
    [23:30.00]It would close off,not open up, one of the world's most important markets.;
    [23:36.79]It would make China less, not more,;
    [23:40.10]likely to play by the rules of international conduct;
    [23:43.74]and to be a part of an emerging international consensus.;
    [23:48.34]As always,America must be prepared to live and flourish;
    [23:53.76]in a world in which we are at odds with China But that is not the world we want.;
    [24:00.12]Our objective is not containment and conflict; it is cooperation.;
    [24:06.39]We will far better serve our interests and our principles;
    [24:10.43]if we work with a China that shares that objective with us.;
    [24:14.68]By working with China and making our difference clear where necessary,;
    [24:20.27]we can advance our interests and our values;
    [24:23.89]and China's historic transformation into a nation whose greatness is defined as much;
    [24:30.13]by its future as its past. Change may not come as quickly as we would like,;
    [24:37.46]but, as our interests are long-term, so must our policies be.;
    [24:43.34]We have an opportunity to build a new century in which China takes its rightful place;
    [24:50.47]as a full and strong partner in the community of nations,;
    [24:54.63]working with the United States to advance peace and prosperity,;
    [24:59.91]freedom and security for both our peoples and for all the world.;
    [25:05.65]I hope China will more fully embrace this mandate.;
    [25:10.31]For all the grandeur of your history, I believe your greatest days are still ahead.;
    [25:16.68]Against great odds in the 20th century China has not only survived,;
    [25:22.41]it is moving forward dramatically. As you build a new China,;
    [25:27.70]America wants to build a new relationship with you.;
    [25:31.96]We want China to be successful, secure and open,;
    [25:36.02]working with us for a more peaceful and prosperous world.;
    [25:49.43]Unit fifteen International Relations;
    [26:05.51]Text for Interpretation;
    [26:10.31]Passage 1 Chines-English Interpretation Text Interpreting;
    [26:20.68]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from Chinese into English:;
    [26:30.74]女士们,先生们: 人类已进入了一新的世纪 和新的千年。这是人类发 展史上的重要时刻。;
    [26:42.51]冷战结束以来,世界形势 总体趋向缓和。各国人民 要和平、求稳定、谋发展 的呼声日益高涨。;
    [26:54.83]科学技术日新月异的发 展,为人类开发和利用 自然提供了空前巨大的 能力,;
    [27:03.34]也为人类自身能力的发展 开辟了广阔的前景。但天 下仍很不太平,;
    [27:11.35]世界的和平与发展依然受 到这样或那样的威胁。;
    [27:16.91]强权政治和霸权主义在 国际政治、经济和安全领 域中依然存在并有新的发 展,地区冲突此起彼伏,;
    [27:29.23]南北发展差距继续拉大, 环境恶化、武器扩散、 国际犯罪、恐怖主义等跨 国问题困扰着人类。;
    [27:40.84]如果我们不抓紧这一系列 重大问题,世界就难以发 展。;
    [27:47.70]何去何从,解决这些问题 主动权掌握在世界人民手 中。推动建立公正合理的 国际政治经济新秩序,;
    [27:58.87]是各国人民和有远见的政 治家必须认真而审慎思考 的极其重大的课题。;
    [28:07.58]为维护世界和平,促进共 同发展,所有国家都必须 遵循公认的国际关系基本 原则,;
    [28:18.25]包括和平共处五项原则和 《联合国宪章》的宗旨与 原则。各国的事情要由各 国人民做主,;
    [28:29.36]国际上的事情要由大家商 量解决。各国人民有权自 主选择符合本国国情的社 会制度和发展道路,;
    [28:40.68]创造自己的生活。维护自 己国家的主权和安全,是 每个国家的政府和人民的 神圣权力与光荣职责,;
    [28:51.59]任何别的国家和国际组织 都应予以尊重,都无权进 行干预。;
    [28:58.50]处理国与国的关系超越社 会制度和意识形态的差 异,努力寻求共同利益的 汇合点,扩大互利合作,;
    [29:09.47]谋求共同发展。不能用一 种政治制度和发展模式去 规范世界。;
    [29:18.18]各个国家都应遵循世界丰 富多彩的原则,采取互相 学习、取长补短的积极态 度,以利共同发展。;
    [29:30.25]开展国际经济交往,应该 坚持平等互利。制定国际 经济贸易领域的新规则,;
    [29:39.61]应该充分反映经济技术还 不发达、处于弱势地位的 广大发展中国家的合理 要求,;
    [29:47.57]注意保障他们的正当利 益。第二次大战以后许多 殖民地国家的人民获得了 解放和独立,;
    [29:58.29]这是人类社会在20世纪取 得最伟大的进步。这些国 家经济基础薄弱,处于发 展的过程之中。;
    [30:08.35]离开甚至损害发展中国家 的利益,整个世界就不可 能稳定,理不可能普遍繁 荣,;
    [30:17.26]就会带来诸多困难、风险 和不公正不合理的现象, 最终发达国家也会受到 损害。;
    [30:27.73]我们希望各国的政治家都 能关注逐步解决南北差距 不断拉大这一十分紧迫的 问题。;
    [30:37.24]这个问题不解决,必将对 全球经济的稳定与发展产 生极大的负面效应,;
    [30:44.95]人类共同发展与繁荣的目 标就不可能实现。 维护国际安全,必须彻底 摈弃冷战思维,;
    [30:56.32]努力把国际社会的持久和 建立在促进各国互相信任 和共同利益的新安全观的 基础上。;
    [31:06.38]应该通过国际社会的共同 努力,首先确立有利于世 界和平与稳定,有利于各 国和平民发展的安全机制;
    [31:17.70]任何国家都不能把自己的 所谓安全建立在损害他国 安全利益的基础上。;
    [31:25.36]应通过对话增进信任,通 过合作谋求安全,通过和 平手段解决争端。;
    [31:35.77]Passage 2 English-Chinese Interpretation Text Interpreting;
    [31:48.34]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from English into Chinese:;
    [31:58.61]On the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations,;
    [32:05.27]it is necessary,in our discussion of the international relations,;
    [32:09.42]to review the past and explore the future mission of this world organization.;
    [32:14.78]Thanks to the formulation and adoption of the U. N. Charter in 1945;
    [32:21.14]and to the subsequent endeavors to put the Charter into practice,;
    [32:24.99]we have a clearer perception of the United Nations in a better light.;
    [32:29.70]The United Nations holds these to be its lofty purposes:;
    [32:34.06]to maintain international peace and security;;
    [32:37.61]to develop friendly relations among nations based on respects;
    [32:42.02]for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of the people;;
    [32:46.58]to achieve internatio- nal cooperation in solving international problems of economic,;
    [32:52.93]social, cultural or humanitarian nature;;
    [32:56.79]and to function as a center for harmonizing the actions of nations.;
    [33:02.50]The United Nations also commits itself to a number of sound principles, namely,;
    [33:08.40]sovereign equality of all member states;;
    [33:11.36]settlement of international disputes by peaceful means;;
    [33:15.52]refraining in international relations from the threat;
    [33:19.22]or use of force against the territorial integrity;
    [33:22.98]or political independ- ence of any state; and non-intervention in matters;
    [33:28.02]which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state.;
    [33:32.81]These represent the minimum code of conduct to be held;
    [33:36.68]by sovereign states in international relations.;
    [33:40.40]The role of the United Nations has gained increasing importance;
    [33:44.96]since the end of the Cold War.;
    [33:47.41]The increasing prestige is due in part to the fact;
    [33:51.63]that the Security Council has recovered from the paralysis;
    [33:55.04]which resulted from the US-Soviet rivalry during the Cold War,;
    [33:59.53]a period when the two superpowers used their veto rights against each other,;
    [34:04.32]thereby incapacitating the Security Council. The West, as well as the developing world,;
    [34:11.02]has discovered that it needs the United Nations to achieve its objectives.;
    [34:16.81]In addition, many global problems, such as the proliferation of nuclear weapons,;
    [34:22.79]rapid population increase,the worsening environment, drugs and refugees,;
    [34:29.28]call for the entire international communi- ty to pool their effo- rts to find solutions.;
    [34:35.39]However, the United Nations faces a series of tough challcnges.;
    [34:40.84]One such challenge concerns the way in which the U.N.;
    [34:44.77]maintains its respect for state sovereignty;
    [34:47.37]while dealing with an increasing number of internal conflicts.;
    [34:51.44]In many cases,regional organizations cannot resolve regional conflicts.;
    [34:57.20]In the Cold War era, UN peace-keeping forces had two missions:;
    [35:02.31]to buffer conflicts and to implement agre- ements already reached between the parties.;
    [35:08.44]Now peace-keeping has turned into peace-enforcement.;
    [35:13.48]The United Nations has turned from handling international disputes into meddling;
    [35:18.76]in domestic affairs. Furthermore,;
    [35:21.66]peace-keeping does not necessarily need the prior approval of the countries concerned.;
    [35:28.00]Another problem facing this world organizati- -on is how to better handle relations;
    [35:34.17]between the United Nations and regional organizations.;
    [35:38.39]According to the UN Charter,;
    [35:40.45]regional organizations can play a role within the Charter and under UN coordination.;
    [35:47.03]But regional organizations such as NATO are playing a more important role;
    [35:52.43]than the United Nations in regional conflicts.;
    [35:55.92]We must recognize that the world today is diverse, manifold,;
    [36:00.97]colorful and rich in terms of culture.;
    [36:03.84]This should be an asset rather than a debt of humanity.;
    [36:08.10]It permeates all aspects of human rights, whether civil, political, economic,;
    [36:14.48]social or cultural.The world would be a much better place to live in;
    [36:19.74]if we respected cultural diversity, practiced tolerance;
    [36:24.06]and lived together in peace with one another as good neighbors.;
    [36:28.34]We hope that the United Nations will truly become a center;
    [36:32.53]for harmonizing actions of nations.;
    [36:35.13]We call for stronger efforts by the United Nations to harmonize cultures;
    [36:40.06]through dialogues and consultation,;
    [36:42.43]as well as to resist any attempt to build a mono-cultural world;
    [36:46.85]by means of political pressure and coer-;
    [36:50.07]The United Nations should take the opportunities opened up by the 21st century;
    [36:55.96]and meet the new challenges. We sincerely hope that under the firm support;
    [37:01.41]and close cooperation of its membership, a more just, reasonable;
    [37:05.88]and effective U.N.will emerge to tackle international issues;
    [37:10.46]and contribute more to the building of a better world.;
    [37:15.24]Extra Text for Practice;
    [37:19.73]Passage 1 Chinese-English Interpretation;
    [37:27.10]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from Chinese into English:;
    [37:38.34]和平与发展是全世界人民 的强烈愿望和迫切要求, 这一世界潮流是不可阻 挡的。;
    [37:49.55]但是有些大国打着 “人权”的旗帜,在 “人权高于主权”的新干 涉主义理论支持下,;
    [37:58.70]蔑视联合国,践踏国际 法、联合国宪法章和国际 关系的准则,借口人权实 施霸权,践踏主权,;
    [38:10.18]推行强权,严重威胁着世 界和平与发展。;
    [38:15.72]近年来,打捞干涉主义国 家集团明显地加快了全球 战略的调整步伐。;
    [38:23.89]一方面,它推出了所谓的 “北约战略新概念”,将冷 战时期的防御性军事集团 转变成了一个超地区行动;
    [38:35.22]进功性的军事政治组织。 另一方面,它加强日美安 保体系,;
    [38:42.75]把日美“新防务合作指针 "扩大到适用日本"周边 地区”,加紧研制“地区 导弹防御体系”,;
    [38:52.80]并计划把我台湾省涵盖在 内。这种全球战略的调整 已明显地给世界带来了不 良影响。;
    [39:04.09]即一个单极世界的建立 在一定程度上阻挡多极世 界的发展,至少使多极化 格局的发展趋势减缓。;
    [39:16.70]我们清楚地看到,在全球 化加快发展的形势下出现 了许多全球共同性的问题 更需要一个协商协调机构;
    [39:27.96]国际法和国际关系准则是 人类文明的成果,是国际 社会秩序维系的基础,;
    [39:35.98]是符合世界各国和各民族 根本利益的。作为体现和 维护这些原则的联合国一 旦崩溃,世界将混乱无序,;
    [39:47.69]根本谈不上世界和平与发 展。 然而,联合国的威信和作 用已明显下降。;
    [39:56.50]例如在处理一些地区危机 中,联合国瘫痪无力,甚 至完全被抛开。;
    [40:04.89]这个最大的国际协调机制 面临深刻危机。因此,我 们对这个国际组织不能寄 予过高的期望。;
    [40:15.13]在国际外交舞台上,国际 关系始终离不开实力。弱 国无外交,落后要挨打。;
    [40:24.77]中国必须奋发图强,增强 经济实力、国防实力和民 族凝聚力。;
    [40:32.53]中国作为国际大家庭中的 一员,以最积极的态度和 充分的信心,真诚地希望 看到全球经济的共同繁荣;
    [40:43.82]中国经济是世界经济不可 分割的一部分。一方面, 中国经济得益于世界经济 的共同繁荣,;
    [40:54.17]另一方面,中国经济的快 速增长和消费量的上升, 提供了巨大市场和更多的 就业机会,;
    [41:02.91]从而也为世界经济的共 同繁荣作出了贡献。;
    [41:08.14]中国对外开放使其经 济纳入了国际规则之中。 中国一贯遵守这些规则, 尊重国际惯例。;
    [41:18.68]中国除了同100多个国家 签署了双边经贸协议之 外,还加入了100多个国 际公约组织。;
    [41:28.09]中国坚定不移地承担其 所参加的国际公约和条约 所赋予的义务。;
    [41:35.74]女士们、先生们,人类正 处在维护世界和平、促进 共同发展的关键时刻。;
    [41:44.21]世界潮流,浩浩荡荡, 顺之则昌,逆之则亡。 一切爱好和平、维护正义 的国家和人民,;
    [41:54.45]应该团结起来,为反对霸 权主义和强权政治,推动 建立公正合理的国际秩序 而共同努力。;
    [42:06.83]Passage 2 English-Chinese Interpretation;
    [42:14.78]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from English into Chinese:;
    [42:24.41]Our country assumes a practical and active posture in the pursuit of world peace.;
    [42:32.09]The United Nations has had no more consistent supporter;
    [42:36.84]than this country for its charter and the work of its specialized agencies.;
    [42:42.52]We take part in many UN activities and have served on many of its bodies,;
    [42:49.90]including the Security Council. Among the specialized agencies;
    [42:56.23]and subsidiary bodies we support are those assisting in development,;
    [43:01.57]food security, children, drug control and human rights.;
    [43:07.82]We have provided financial support,;
    [43:10.83]personnel and equipment for almost all major UN peacekee- ping activities,;
    [43:16.93]contributed our assessed share of the costs of all UN operations;
    [43:22.13]and made additional contributions.;
    [43:25.55]Our country is fully involved in UN disarm- ament,arms control and outer space work.;
    [43:32.71]We accept the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice;
    [43:37.41]and are active in development of the international law.;
    [43:41.44]Our country has been a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation;
    [43:46.95]and Development for almost 30 years.;
    [43:50.64]Global economic issues are among the core elements;
    [43:54.80]of post-Cold War international relations and like other countries,;
    [44:00.75]we give priority attention to these issues.;
    [44:04.18]Our increasing dependence on international trade;
    [44:07.94]and the effects of world economic conditions;
    [44:12.91]on our domestic economy have led to a sharpened focus;
    [44:15.37]on international trade issues in the pursuit of our foreign policy.;
    [44:20.62]Our economic and political future is linked closely with those of its Asian;
    [44:26.84]and other Pacific neighbors. Our trade, investment and technology transfer,;
    [44:33.33]in the form of joint ventures with such countries, continue to grow.;
    [44:38.76]Through regular, reciprocal,;
    [44:41.86]high-level exchanges of visits our close contact with their governments continues,;
    [44:47.48]particularly with the government of the People's Republic of China.;
    [44:51.76]We take the view that peace and prosperity;
    [44:55.25]in the Asia-Pacific region depend on the ability of the region's countries;
    [45:00.36]to cooperate to maintain economic growth and political stability.;
    [45:05.47]We are keen to ensure the stability and security of this region;
    [45:10.08]and to develop mutually profitable trade, investment,;
    [45:14.17]technological exchanges and cooperation.;
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