听电影学英语-查理和巧克力工厂 02
教程:听电影学英语 查理和巧克力工厂  浏览:1534  
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    [00:03.97]-大家好 -你好 -Evening, Buckets. -Evening.

    [00:05.81]爸爸 Hi, Dad.

    [00:09.38]汤快煮好了 老公 Soup’s almost ready, darling.

    [00:12.22]应该没得加菜吧? Don’t suppose there’s anything extra to put in, love.

    [00:16.29]算了 甘蓝菜配甘蓝菜最对味了 Oh, well. Nothing goes better with cabbage than cabbage.

    [00:23.46]查理... Charlie...

    [00:25.39]我找到一样东西 你应该会喜欢 I found something I think you’ll like.

    [00:31.03]查理的父亲在当地牙膏厂上班 Charlie’s father worked at the local toothpaste factory.

    [00:35.51]工作时间很长 薪水却少得可怜... The hours were long, and the pay was terrible...

    [00:39.71]但偶尔会有意外的惊喜 yet occasionally, there were unexpected surprises.

    [00:47.05]这正是我需要的 It’s exactly what I need.

    [00:49.82]那是什么 查理? What is it, Charlie?

    [00:57.23]爸爸找到了 正好是我需要的 Dad found it, just the piece I needed.

    [00:59.90]-是什么啊? -威利·旺卡的头 -What piece was it? -A head for Willy Wonka.

    [01:03.07]太好了 Well, how wonderful.

    [01:04.50]做得很像哦 It’s quite a likeness.

    [01:06.70]-真的吗? -当然 -You think so? -Think so?

    [01:08.54]我一看就知道了 I know so.

    [01:10.31]我亲眼看过威利·旺卡本人 I saw Willy Wonka with my own two eyes.

    [01:14.14]-我以前在他的工厂上班 -真的吗? -I used to work for him, you know. -You did?

    [01:16.61]-真的 -真的 -I did. -He did.

    [01:18.42]真的 He did.

    [01:19.78]我喜欢葡萄 I love grapes.

    [01:22.12]当然 当时的我比现在年轻很多啦 Of course, I was a much younger man in those days.

    [01:27.63]威利·旺卡原本在樱桃街 开了一家小店 Willy Wonka began with a single store on Cherry Street.


    [01:32.56]但全世界的人都想吃他的糖果 But the whole world wanted his candy.

    [01:39.27]-旺卡先生 -什么事? -Mr. Wonka. -Yeah?

    [01:41.71]旺卡巧克力糖不够卖了... We need more Wonka bars...

    [01:43.68]-巧克力鸟也没了 -鸟? and we’re out of chocolate birds. -Birds?

    [01:47.81]鸟 Birds.

    [01:49.28]好吧 那就多做一点 来 Well, then we’ll need to make some more. Here.

    [01:56.02]嘴巴张开 Now open.

    [02:01.83]那个人是天才 The man was a genius.

    [02:04.43]他发明了一个新方法 做出来的巧克力冰淇淋 Did you know he invented a new way of making chocolate ice cream...

    [02:08.94]不放冰箱 也能好几个小时不融化 so that it stays cold for hours without a freezer?

    [02:12.77]甚至放在大热天的太阳底下 也不会融化 You can even leave it lying in the sun on a hot day, and it won’t go runny.

    [02:18.18]-不可能啦 -但威利·旺卡做到了 -But that’s impossible. -But Willy Wonka did it.

    [02:24.45]不久之后... Before long...


    [02:27.02]他决定建一座像样的巧克力工厂 he decided to build a proper chocolate factory.

    [02:29.59]有史以来最大的巧克力工厂 The largest chocolate factory in history.

    [02:32.83]是别的工厂的五十倍大 Fifty times as big as any other.

    [02:55.15]爷爷 别讲得那么恶啦 Grandpa, don’t make it gross.

    [02:57.92]跟他说那个印度王子的事 他一定会喜欢的 Tell him about the Indian prince. He’d like to hear about that.

    [03:02.26]你是说本地治里王子吗? You mean, Prince Pondicherry?

    [03:05.23]本地治里王子 写了一封信给旺卡先生 Well, Prince Pondicherry wrote a letter to Mr. Wonka...

    [03:09.86]请他大老远赶到印度 and asked him to come all the way out to India...

    [03:12.83]建造一座巨大无比的宫殿 全部都用巧克力做成的 and build him a colossal palace entirely out of chocolate.

    [03:20.71](新德里 印度)

    [03:22.14]要有一百个房间 全是巧克力做的 不管是什么巧克力 It will have 100 rooms, and everything will be made of either dark or light chocolate.

    [03:29.68]他向来是说到做到 砖块是巧克力 True to his word, the bricks were chocolate...

    [03:33.29]混凝土接合剂也是巧克力 and the cement holding them together was chocolate.

    [03:36.76]所有墙壁和天花板都是巧克力 All the walls and ceilings were made of chocolate as well.

    [03:41.46]地毯 墙上的画和家具也是 So were the carpets and the pictures and the furniture.

    [03:45.00]一切都很完美 It is perfect in every way.

    [03:48.10]对 但持续不了多久 你最好马上开始吃 Yeah, but it won’t last long. You better start eating right now.

    [03:51.37]胡说八道 我才不吃我的宫殿 Oh, nonsense. I will not eat my palace.

    [03:55.34]我要住在里面 I intend to live in it.

    [04:01.42]当然是被旺卡先生说中了 But Mr. Wonka was right, of course.

    [04:04.59]没过多久 有一天烈日当空 热得要命 Soon after this, there came a very hot day with a boiling sun.

    [04:45.96]王子发了紧急电报 要求重建一座宫殿... The prince sent an urgent telegram requesting a new palace...

    [04:50.87]但威利·旺卡自己也遇到了麻烦 but Willy Wonka was facing problems of his own.

    [04:55.64]其他的巧克力制造商 越来越眼红旺卡 All the other chocolate makers, you see, had grown jealous of Mr. Wonka.

    [05:00.71]他们开始派间谍进工厂 窃取他的秘密配方 They began sending in spies to steal his secret recipes.

      上一篇:听电影学英语-查理和巧克力工厂 01 下一篇:听电影学英语-查理和巧克力工厂 03


