教程:英语微信精选  浏览:120  
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    1.For hours nothing relieved the joyless monotony of things. 好几个小时过去了,一切都还是那样单调,那样沉闷。

    2.It was as yet too early in the year for much color to appear in the gardens and foliage; the so-called spring was but winter overlaid with a thin coat of greenness. 当时的季节还早,花园和树叶不见浓郁的春色;所谓的春天只不过是冬天覆上了一层薄薄的青绿罢了。

    3.And as he made the announcement, Durbeyfield, declining from his sitting position, luxuriously stretched himself out upon the bank among the daisies. 他一边宣布这个消息,一边从坐着的姿势倒下去,在开满雏菊的草地上非常舒服地伸展身子。

    4.It was not till the rays of the sun had absorbed the young stranger's retreating figure on the hill that she shook off her temporary sadness and answered her would-be partner in the affirmative. 她一直站在那儿等着,直到山坡上那个年轻陌生人的身影在阳光中消失了,她才抛开一时的悲哀,接受了刚才想同她跳舞的人的邀请。

    5.His sister became abruptly still, and lapsed into a pondering silence. 他的姐姐突然坐在那儿一动也不动了,陷入沉思默想之中。

    6.He leant back against the hives, and with upturned face made observations on the stars, whose cold pulses were beating amid the black hollows above, in serene dissociation from these two wisps of human life. 他仰身向后靠在蜂箱上,仰着脸观察天上的星星,星星冷清的脉搏在头顶上漆黑的夜空里搏动着,静寂无声,同人类生命中这两个小生命相隔遥远。

    7.Distress, if not penury, loomed in the distance. 如果说还不会马上贫穷,那么烦恼已经在不远的地方出现了。

    8.Novelty had volcanically started up. 新奇的事物像火山一样喷发出来

    9.She plunged into the chilly equinoctial darkness as the clock struck ten. 在钟声敲响十点的时候,苔丝就在春分时节寒冷的黑夜里上路了。

    10.They were enveloped in the shades of night which they had no candle to disperse. 苍茫的夜色渐渐袭来,他们没有蜡烛驱散黑暗,也就只好呆在黑暗中了。

    11.Soon the light was strong, and a ray shone upon her unconscious form, peering under her eyelids and waking her. 不久天大亮了,太阳的光线照射在苔丝没有知觉的身上,透过她的眼睑射进她的眼里,把苔丝唤醒了。

    12.Her mother could not repress her consciousness of… 她妈妈忍不住去想…

    13.Almost before her misgiving at the news could find time to shape itself… 她还没来得及思考自己的疑惑…

    14.This was the last drachm required to turn the scale of her indecision. 在她心中那犹豫不定的天平上,这是最后一颗砝码。

    15.He thus beheld in the pale morning light the resolve to separate from her; not as a hot and indignant instinct, but denuded of the passionateness which had made it scorch and burn; standing in its bones; nothing but a skeleton, but none the less there. Clare no longer hesitated. 他就是这样在灰色的晨光里看待他同苔丝分离的决心;它不是炽烈和愤怒的本能,而是经过感情烈火的炙烤烧灼,已经变得没有感情了;它只剩下了骨骼;只不过是一具骷髅,但是又分明存在着。克莱尔不再犹豫了。

    16.She abandoned herself to her impulse. 她任由感情驱使。

    17.She undulated upon the thin notes of the second-hand harp, and their harmonies passed like breezes through her, bringing tears into her eyes. 随着那架旧竖琴的纤细的音调,她的心潮起伏波动,和谐的琴音像微风一样.吹进了她的心中,感动得她的眼睛里充满了泪水。

    18.Four hearts gave a big throb simultaneously. 她们四个人的心脏都不约而同地猛跳了一下。

    19.They writhed feverishly under the oppressiveness of an emotion thrust on them by cruel Nature's law. 冷酷的自然法把她们的感情激发出来

    20.Feeling had indeed smothered judgment that day. 白天,他的感情的确压倒了他的理智。
      上一篇:双语微信说说:在他的身后,山峦尽收眼底 下一篇:双语微信说说:她的态度正在发展为默认


