教程:英语微信精选  浏览:87  
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    1.In reality, she was drifting into acquiescence. Every see-saw of her breath, every wave of her blood, every pulse singing in her ears, was a voice that joined with nature in revolt against her scrupulousness. 实际上,她的态度正在发展为默认。她的呼吸和呼吸的每一次变化,她的血液的每一次涨落,她的脉搏在她耳边的每一次跳动,就同她的天性一起发出一种声音,反对她的种种顾虑。

    2.Her feelings almost filled her ears like a babble of waves, and surged up to her eyes. 她的感情就像波涛的浪花,塞满了她的耳朵,涌满了她的眼睛。

    3.She thought, 'We shall go away, a very long distance, hundreds of miles from these parts, and such as this can never happen again, and no ghost of the past reach there.' 她心想:“我们应该离开这儿,走得远远的。离开这儿要有好几百英里,这样的话这种事就再也不会发生了,过去的事就一点儿影子也传不到那儿去了。”

    4.Tess again shook her head, her throat swelling with complicated emotion. 苔丝又摇了摇头;心里涌现出各种复杂的感情。

    5.Soon his sharpened ear detected footsteps upon the stairs, at which his heart thumped so painfully that he could hardly stand firm. 不久,他敏锐的耳朵听到楼上响起了脚步声,这脚步好像踩在他的心上,使他的心咚咚直跳,难受得都快站不稳了。

    6.The clubbists tittered, except the girl called Tess - in whom a slow heat seemed to rise at the sense that her father was making himself foolish in their eyes. 妇女会的会员们都地笑起来,那个叫做苔丝的姑娘除外——她意识到她的父亲在众人眼里出丑卖乖,不禁感到脸上发烧。

    7.Tess cried, and the color upon her cheeks spread over her face and neck. In a moment her eyes grew moist, and her glance drooped to the ground. 苔丝叫起来,脸颊上的红晕扩大了,从脸上延伸到脖子上。不一会儿,她的眼睛湿润了,目光垂到了地上。

    8.I felt inclined to sink into the ground with shame! 我恨不得地上找个地洞钻进去!

    9.In her misery she rocked herself upon the bed. 她在痛苦中翻来覆去。

    10.The sound of her own decision seemed to break Tess's very heart, and she bowed her face in her grief. 苔丝把自己的决定说了出来,从她的声音可以听出来,她似乎是肝肠寸断,痛苦地把头低着。

    11.The stress now getting beyond endurance, her lip quivered, and she was obliged to go away. 她的克制已经超过了她能忍受的程度,她的嘴唇颤抖起来,急忙走开了。

    12.She had no sooner said it than she burst into a dry hard sobbing, so violent that it seemed to rend her. 她刚把话说完,就突然大哭起来,哭得那样地悲伤,好像肝肠断了一样。

    13.They were not aware that, at these words, salt, stinging tears trickled down upon Tess's pillows anew. 她们谁也没有想到,苔丝听了这些话后,悲伤和痛苦的眼泪又流了出来,湿透了她的枕头。

    14.She was surcharged with emotion, and winced like a wounded animal. 满腹忧愁的苔丝听了他的话,就像受伤的野兽般把脸痛苦地皱起来。

    15.And yet he was conscious of a pang of bitterness at the thought. 可是他一想,又感到了一阵钻心的痛苦

    16.She flung herself down on the bank in a fit of racking anguish. 她就痛苦不堪地倒在路边的土坡上了。

    17.Clare, too, was wrought to aching thoughts and quivering lips. 克莱尔自己也是伤心痛苦,嘴唇发抖。

    18.Tess remained where she was a long while, till a sudden sense of injustice caused the region of her eyes to swell with the rush of hot tears thither. 苔丝在那儿待了好久好久,突然,她心底里涌起一股因受尽委屈而要反叛的情绪,引发了她的悲痛,不禁泪如泉涌。

    19.The interior, in spite of the melody, struck upon the girl's senses with an unspeakable dreariness. 屋内尽管有唱歌的声音,但是苔丝却感到有一种说不出的凄凉。

    20.Though this did not lessen the self-reproach which she continued to heap upon herself for her negligence. 但是,这并不能减轻她内心对自己疏忽的不断积累的自责。
      上一篇:双语微信说说:一切都还是那样单调,那样沉闷 下一篇:双语微信说说:他们为了发泄悲痛而放声大哭


