教程:英语微信精选  浏览:124  
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    1.They discharged their griefs in loud blares which echoed from the walls 他们为了发泄悲痛而放声大哭,哭声久久回荡。

    2.Tess's eyes were too full and her voice too choked to utter the sentiments that were in her. 苔丝眼睛里充满了泪水,喉咙哽咽着,心里头百感交集,但足一句话也说不出来。

    3.She implored, a big tear beginning to roll down her face, and the corners of her mouth trembling in her attempts not to cry. 她恳求说,眼睛里一颗大泪珠从脸上滚下来,为了不让自己哭出来,她的嘴角颤抖着。

    4.It was only then that her still face showed the least emotion, a tear or two beginning to trickle down. 直到那时,她麻木的脸上才露出一点儿感情来,一两颗泪珠开始从脸上流下来。

    5.The flood of memories brought back by this revival of an incident anterior to her troubles produced a momentary dismay. 她回想起在她遭受了不幸以前发生的那件小事,对过去的回忆像潮水一样涌了上来,使她暂时生发出一阵忧郁。

    6.Tess was convulsed with weeping, the tension of so many days having relaxed at last. 苔丝哭得抖抖索索,这许多天来的紧张终于一起发泄出来了。

    7.Broken in heart and numbed, he had nothing to hurry for. 他的心已破碎麻木,再也没有什么要着急去办的事了。

    8.When the first excitement of the dressing had passed off, a slight misgiving found place in Joan Durbeyfield's mind. 当初梳妆打扮的兴奋一消失,琼·德北菲尔德太太的心里就出现了一阵担忧。

    9.She who had been so backward was suddenly fired with impatience and alarm lest she should lose her dear prize. 她一直是退缩不前的,现在却突然变得心急火燎的,心里慌张起来,她害怕失去了她心爱的珍宝。

    10.A fear overcame her, paralyzing her movement so that she neither retreated nor advanced. 恐惧压倒了苔丝,她的行动受到了限制,既不能前进,也不能后退。

    11.Her rebuke and her mood seemed to fill the whole room, and to impart a cowed look to the furniture, and candle, and children playing about, and to her mother's face. 她的神情和责备似乎充满了整个屋子,一种使人害怕的气氛似乎传给了家具、蜡烛和四周玩耍的孩子们,也似乎传到了她母亲的脸上。

    12.The old lady's face creased into furrows of repugnance, and she made no further reply. 老夫人的脸上堆起了许多皱纹,表示她的厌恶,不再说别的话了。

    13.A long smouldering sense of rivalry inflamed her to madness. 她内心长期压抑的敌对情绪(吃醋)立刻燃烧起来,使她变得疯狂。

    14.He turned around and directed a torrent of abuse at me. 他转过身对我破口大骂了一通。

    15.He sat down, reflecting, with a pleased gleam in his face. 他坐着思考,脸上闪现出得意的神气。

    16.Her mother hastened to explain, smiles breaking from every inch of her person. 她母亲赶忙向她解释,浑身上下都透露出笑意来。

    17.Tess felt the pulse of hopeful life still warm within her. 她仍然感觉到希望,生命的力量仍在她的身上热烈地搏动。

    18.Tess Durbeyfield, then, in good heart, and full of zest for life, descended the Egdon slopes. 然后,苔丝·德北菲尔德就怀着对生活的满腔热情,情绪高昂地走下爱敦荒原的山坡。

    19.The influence that had passed into Clare like an excitation from the sky did not die down. Resolutions, reticence, prudence, fears, fell back like a defeated battalion. 克莱尔心中出现的那种好像从天而降的激动情绪,还没有消失。决心、沉默、谨慎、恐惧,好像一支打了败仗的军队,往后直退。

    20.Tess was taken completely by surprise, and she yielded to his embrace with unreflecting inevitableness. 苔丝冷不防地被吓了一跳,但是她不假思索、不由自主地让他拥抱着自己。
      上一篇:双语微信说说:她的态度正在发展为默认 下一篇:双语微信说说:同以前的生活相比,她生活在一种快乐的精神状态里


