教程:英语微信精选  浏览:161  
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    1.Only with the baptism of Nirvana, can I be reborn from the fire.只有红红烈火当成涅磐的洗礼,我才能浴火重生。

    2.Only by turning the bottomless quagmire into a hard foundation can I rise again.只要把无底泥潭变成坚硬地基,我才能东山再起。

    3.No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. 锻炼身体,没有人可以冷眼旁观。一个人一辈子,如果没有看到过自己顶峰状态的身体,可悲。

    4.Everybody says they’re trying to get their piece of the pie. They don’t realize that the world is a kitchen - you can make your own pie. 人人都想去的一杯羹,可就是鲜有人想去煮属于自己的那一杯羹。

    5.Fish is what people desire; Fishing, but no one cares, it's really strange.鱼,人之所欲;渔,却无人问津,真是奇哉怪也。

    6.Summer bodies are made in the winter. 夏天的身体是在冬天做的。

    7.The three armies have not moved, and food and grass have taken the lead三军未动,粮草先行

    8.Only through repeated trials and tribulations can one show their sharpness千锤百炼方显锋芒

    9.You spend your whole life stuck in the labyrinth, thinking about how you’ll escape it one day, and how awesome it will be, and imagining that future keeps you going, but you never do it. You just use the future to escape the present. 徘徊在人生的十字路口,空想一往无前的精彩,光明的未来,但却从来没有为此踏出过一步,这样的你只是逃避。

    10.As long as you make an identity for yourself out of pain, you cannot be free of it. 只要你在痛苦中为自己创造了一个身份,你就不可能摆脱它。

    11.Only those who have fallen into the sea of suffering will feel that the sea of suffering is boundless沉沦苦海的人,才会觉得苦海无边

    12.I constantly get out of my comfort zone. Looking cool is the easiest way to mediocrity. 要时常走出舒适圈,才不会泯然众人。

    13.The coolest guy in my high school ended up working at a car wash. 尤其是锋芒毕露之后。君不见,中学时代的学校新星,最终只能洗车为生。

    14.Once you push yourself into something new, and whole new world of opportunities opens up. But you might get hurt. In fact you will get hurt. But amazingly when you heal - you are somewhere you’ve never been. 逼自己一把,学点新的东西,虽然学习难免会灰心沮丧,跌倒受伤,但是跌倒后再爬起来,你将会发现新天地。

    15.If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses. 如果我问顾客想要什么?他们很多人希望更快的车。

    16.It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness; that is life. 什么都没错,结果仍有可能是失败,这并不是你力量不足,而这就是生活。

    17.It’s not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential. 生活需要做减法,而不是做加法,丢掉不必要的东西。

    18.If they can make penicillin out of moldy bread, then they can sure make something out of you. 发霉面包都可以提取出青霉素,你连烂面包都不如吗?

    19.Everyone who has ever taken a shower has had an idea. It’s the person who gets out of the shower, dries off, and does something about it that makes a difference. 每个人冲凉时都会灵光一闪,只有少数人,擦干身子,穿好衣服,将这闪现的火苗,呵护成别样的火花。

    20.In the face of such hopelessness as our eventual, unavoidable death, there is little sense in not at least trying to accomplish all of your wildest dreams in life. 面对我们最终不可避免的死亡这样的绝望,至少要努力实现你一生中最疯狂的梦想是没有意义的。
      上一篇:双语微信说说:无论世界现在有多黑暗,多可怕,终有一天会重现光明 下一篇:双语微信说说:人生难逃一死


