教程:英语微信精选  浏览:137  
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    1.One cannot escape death in life. Why not try to realize that wild dream in your heart.人生难逃一死。为什么不尝试去实现心中那个狂野之梦。

    2.People are bound to die. Why not give it a hard fight, for the dream in your heart.人,难免一死。何不奋力一搏,为了心中那个梦。

    3.How many spells can life have? Don't spell at this moment, wait for a better time.人生能有几回拼?此时不拼,更待何时。

    4.Dead Last Finish is greater than Did Not Finish which trumps Did Not Start. 最后一次完成大于未完成,后者胜过未开始。

    5.Better to arrive early than late, and better to be late than never早到好过迟到,迟到好过不到

    6.Luck is the dividend of sweat. The more you sweat, the luckier you get. Ray Kroc 努力和幸运一身同体,越努力,越幸运。

    7.There is no substitute for hard work. 辛勤工作是无可替代的。

    8.There is no shortcut to success成功没有捷径

    9.Effort, irreplaceable努力,无可替代

    10.I could either watch it happen or be a part of it. 我要么看着它发生,要么成为它的一部分。

    11.I can either stand idly by or be in it我可以冷眼旁观,也可以置身其中

    12.The best revenge is massive success. 巨大的成功就是最好的报复

    13.April showers bring May flowers.宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。

    14.Shining is not the sun's patent, you can also shine. 发光并非太阳的专利,你也可以发光。

    15.If a person is not infected by bad habits, happiness is near. 一个人如果不被恶习所染,幸福近矣。

    16.No matter how high the sky is, standing on tiptoe is closer to the sun. 天再高又怎样,踮起脚尖就更接近阳光。

    17.Frustrated and disappointed, disappointed vivid, shakenstudents failed. 灰心生失望,失望生动摇,动摇生失败。

    18.Two heads are better than one.集思广益.

    19.Provide for a rainy day.未雨绸缪

    20.True blue will never strain.真金不怕火炼.
      上一篇:双语微信说说:只有红红烈火当成涅磐的洗礼,我才能浴火重生 下一篇:双语微信说说:必须相信自己.这是成功的秘诀


