教程:英语微信精选  浏览:168  
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    1.You have your poetry and distance, I have my laziness and arrogance. 你有你的诗和远方,我有我的懒和嚣张。

    2.Believe that everything you insist on will one day embrace you in turn. 要相信,你所坚持的一切,有天会反过来拥抱你。

    3.Promise me not to tell anyone about my super loveliness. 答应我,不要把我超可爱这件事告诉别人。

    4.You walk in your sunshine way, I walk in my single wooden bridge, each of which is not in debt. 你走你的阳光道,我走我的独木桥,各不相欠。

    5.May you have no joys and sorrows for the rest of your life, and may your years be without waves. 愿你余生无悲欢,望你岁月无波澜。

    6.The road of life, we have to find their own way, the road is not good to go on. 人生的路,就得自己找,路不平也得好好走下去。

    7.Let the world bow is a kind of domineering, let oneself let go is a kind of spirit. 让世界低头是一种霸气,让自己放手是一种魄气。

    8.Don't get what you can't get, even if you don't rely on it, but I'm still proud. 得不到的就不要,就算没有依靠,可我还有骄傲。

    9.Bruise and clamour are still in pain. You can understand the person you love deeply. 淤青叫嚣还在痛,深爱之人你可懂。

    10.When my disappointment exceeds my expectation, I will become cold and callous. 我当失望超过期望时,我便会变得冷漠无情。

    11.You laugh at my light clouds, I laugh at your calm waves. 你笑我的云淡风轻,我笑你的波澜不惊。

    12.I tell you, I'm so stingy that I won't even give you hate. 我告诉你,我很吝啬,连恨都不会给你。

    13.All compromise is to open a flower for the dream. 所有的妥协终是为梦想开出繁花一片。

    14.In fact, everything is OK, not so bad. 其实一切都还好,没有那么糟糕。

    15.You have your proud capital, I have the right to ignore. 你有你骄傲的资本,我有我无视的权利。

    16.Proud to live, even in the face of the sun does not blink. 骄傲的活着,即使面对太阳也不眨眼。

    17.Remember one thing: don't argue with someone who has a different vision. 记住一句话:不要跟眼界不一样的人争辩。

    18.It's not about how badly you want something. It's about what you are capable of! 光有志向是不够的,重要的是你的能力!

    19.Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards. 经验是个很苛刻的老师,因为她总是一上来就把你考倒,然后才给你上课。

    20.Be alike flowers. Spread beauty and happiness wherever you stay, irrespective of your surroundings. 像花儿一样,无论身在何处,不管周遭环境如何,都依然潇洒地绽放自己的美丽,活出自己的精彩。
      上一篇:双语微信说说:往往是积攒很久了的委屈 下一篇:双语微信说说:愚蠢的人谈过去,聪明的人谈现在


