教程:英语微信精选  浏览:105  
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    1.Time would heal almost all wounds. If your wounds have not been healed up, please wait for a short while 时间几乎会愈合所有伤口,如果你的伤口还没有愈合,请给时间一点时间。

    2.Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. 没有人可以回到过去重新开始,但谁都可以从今日开始,书写一个全然不同的结局。

    3.The stupid speak of the past, the wise of the present, and fools of the future. 愚蠢的人谈过去,聪明的人谈现在,傻子才谈未来。

    4.Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain. 人生不是坐等暴风雨过去,而是学会在雨中起舞。

    5.If you're brave enough to say GOODBYE, life will reward you with a new HELLO. 只要你勇敢地说出再见,生活一定会赐予你一个新的开始。

    6.The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long. 在你想要放弃的那一刻,想想为什么当初坚持走到了这里。

    7.Never think hard about past. It brings tears... Don't think more about future. It brings fears... live this moment with a smile. It brings cheers. 不要太想念过去,因为它会给你带来悲伤;不要太思考未来,因为它会带给你恐惧;用微笑活在当下,它会带来快乐。

    8.If we didn't have stupid thoughts, we'd have no interesting thoughts at all. 如果没有傻乎乎的想法,我们就不会撞上有意思的点子。

    9.Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. 生活,不是用我们呼吸了多少下来衡量的,而是要看我们多少次屏住呼吸。

    10.Having a pretty face is attractive but having a beautiful personality is the "main attraction". 有一张漂亮的脸蛋很吸引人,但有一颗美好的心灵才是最大的亮点。

    11.A man can't ride your back unless it is bent. 你的腰不弯,别人就不能骑在你的背上。

    12.Logic will get you from A to B, Imagination will take you everywhere. 逻辑会带你从A点到达B点,想象力将把你带到任何地方。

    13.Only in the dictionary, will success appear before work. 只有在字典里,成功才出现在工作之前。

    14.People always say that it's too late. 有人总说已经晚了。

    15.However, in fact, now is the best appropriate time. 实际上,现在就是最好的时光。

    16.For a man who really wants to seek for something, every period of life is younger and timely. 对于一个真正有所追求的人来说,生命的每个时期都是年轻和及时的,

    17.It will never rain roses. When we want to have more roses, we must plant more trees. 天空可不会下玫瑰雨。想要更多的玫瑰花,我们就得栽下更多的树。

    18.Fate as hand palm, no matter how tortuous, is always in their own hands. 命运如同手中的掌纹,无论多曲折,终掌握在自己手中。

    19.I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade. And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka , and have a party. 我认为如果生活给了你柠檬,你应该把它们做成柠檬汁。接下来去寻找那些拿到伏特加的人,然后开一个派对。

    20.Don't forget to promise to myself to do, don't forget to promise to go to your place, no matter how hard it is, how far is it. 别忘了答应自己要做的事情,别忘了答应自己要去的地方,无论有多难,有多远。
      上一篇:双语微信说说:有天会反过来拥抱你 下一篇:双语微信说说:很多人觉得他们在思考


