Amputees who have lost their arms have long been able with prosthetic hands to pick upobjects. But to feel those objects has been impossible until now. A team of Europeanscientists has come up with a way to create a bionic hand that allows the amputee to feel lifelikesensations from their fingers. Our medical correspondent Fergus Walsh met the scientists andthe man who learned once again what it was like to experience the shape, hardness andsoftness of objects in his grip.
长久以来,失去胳膊的截肢患者可以借助义肢拿取物品,但却不能产生触感。直到现在,欧洲科学家提出发明仿生手的方法,使患者能够 通过手指获得触感。我们的医学记者费格斯·沃尔什采访了发明仿生手的科学家以及重获触觉的患者。目前,该患者能够感受到手中物体的形状、硬度和柔软度。
"This is the first time an amputee has been able to get real time sensory feedback from theirprosthetic fingers direct to their brain. And so the patient was able to be blindfolded and pick upa plastic cup and know it was a plastic cup and then pick up a wooden brick and know thatthey were picking up something hard, so they had the difference between hard and soft. Andthat's the first time that that's been possible. And the real advance here was not in the handitself but in the computer software and the algorithms we use to transform and transform theelectrical signals from sensors in the fingers of the artificial hand into impulses which could beread by the brain. And so the patient had to go in and have surgery in Italy, to have electrodesimplanted in the upper arm. Then he had the hand fitted and then connected to a lot ofexternal wiring. He went through a month of tests in Rome to see whether this thing workedand…"
“这是世界上首款给截肢患者的大脑实时传感反馈的假肢。患者被蒙住双眼,拿起一个塑料杯,就能知道手中之物是塑料 杯,再拿起木块,就能知道手中是硬物,他们能感受软硬的区别,这是前所未有的突破。然而,真正的先进性不只在仿生手上,而体现在我们使用的计算机软件和算 法上,通过仿生手指中的传感器,将电信号传到大脑神经中。另外,患者必须去意大利进行手术,将电极移植到上臂中,然后装上仿生手,接上许多外部配线。他在 罗马进行了为期一个月的试验,来测试整个系统是否成功……”
"Oh, I see. So that's what provided the algorithms."
"That's right. So he had to undergo a month of laboratory testing."
"So the scientists were excited clearly. What about the patient himself?"
"Well, I met Denis Abo, a 36-year old man from Denmark. He, about a decade ago he had anaccident with a firework which led to his left hand being amputated. And they describe him as ahero because he had to undergo not one surgery, but two operations because he did a monthof test with this hand and it all had to be removed. He was amazed by it. He loved it. Soexplained to me how he underwent these tests wearing a blindfold and earplugs with differentobjects put in his hand and suddenly after nearly a decade he was able to get some of the allsensation back that he had in his original hand."
“患者名叫丹尼斯·阿博,男,36岁,丹麦人。大约10年前,他在烟花爆竹事故中失去了左 手。他们都认为他是英雄,因为他不只要做一次手术,而是两次,因为一个月的测试后,仿生手不得不被暂时移除。他对仿生手感到很吃惊,也很喜欢。他向我讲述 了测试的全过程,他当时戴着眼罩和耳塞,感受手中不同的物品,10年后,他的触感突然回来了。”
"Amazing to suddenly feel things that are round or circled or hard or soft. You can use it andfeel what's happening without looking at your hand."