It's been a big night for the world of film. The British Academy Film Awards have been given outnow far from here in central London. Our arts correspondent Vincent Dowd was at theceremony at the Royal Opera House. He told me about the winners and losers.
"The biggest winner clearly in terms of trophies, six, was the film Gravity. But the bigger awardwhich is what gets all the publicity, the best film went to Twelve Years A Slave, as everyone Ithink now knows story of slavery in the US side in the 1840s and 1850s."
That award, I have to say, wasn't a huge surprise. Chiwetel Ejiofor, the absolutely superb36-year old actor, born in London of Nigerian descent, so accepting his award as an actor, heexpressed his thanks to the film's director Steve McQueen.
"Thank you for your work, for your artistry, for your passion in this project. You really havethe real vision to tell this kind of remarkable story to introduce me to Solomon Northup whichI thank you for the extraordinary life that he had."
It didn't all go as the way of that film though Lupita Nyong'o from a Kenyan family who hadbeen expected by many including me, to be honest, to win best supporting actress for her rolein Twelve Years A Slave. That didn't happen. Jennifer Lawrence took it through American Hustle.However, Barkhad Abdi, now 28 and born in Somalia but long resident in the US since he was ateenager. He took the award for best supporting actor in the movie Captain Phillips. But aswe've said, the other big winner at the BAFTAs was Gravity directed by Alfonso Cuaron. Now wealways tend to refer to him as Mexican, but in truth, as he has been living in London now for 13or 14 years, accepting the award for best director, which wasn't as we've said the only awardthe film got, Cuaron said he felt he'd earned the right to triumph as the man who made thebest British film.
这部电影并未囊括全部奖项。露皮塔·尼永奥,出生于肯尼亚的一个家庭,许多人,包括我在内, 都期待她凭借《十二年为奴》夺得最佳女配角,但结果并非如此。詹妮弗·劳伦斯凭借电影《美国骗局》摘下最佳女配角奖。然而,巴克德·阿巴蒂,现年28岁, 出生于索马里,但从青少年时期就成为美国常住居民,凭借电影《菲利普船长》夺得最佳男配角。我刚才提到,今年英国电影学院奖获奖的另一个大赢家是由阿方 索·卡隆执导的《地心引力》。如今,我们普遍认为他是墨西哥人,但事实上,他已经在伦敦居住了13-14年。获得最佳导演奖,卡隆说,自己终于能够被称为 拍出最好的英国电影的导演。当然,前面我们提到了,这部电影获得的奖项不止这一个。
"You can tell from my accent, but I consume myself a part of the British film industry. I live inLondon the last 13 years and I've done almost half of my films in the UK. I guess I'd make avery good case for curbing immigration."
Londoner Alfonso Cuaron. Well, what were the other highlights?
"Well, there is always that standing contribution, isn't it? So that went this year to PeterGreenaway, the director. He said he'd always felt an outsider, so you are surprised to be toldhe'd ever been considered for that award. The other thing which I think will get a lot ofpublicity tomorrow, the Academy Fellowship Helen Mirren, which was given by Prince William,star, of course, of The Queen."
“大家都知道,学院奖每年都会颁发突出贡献奖,那么今 年这个奖被导演彼得·格林纳威收入囊中。他说,对于学院奖,一直觉得自己是个局外人,所以,能作为这个奖项的入围者,已经很令人吃惊了。另外,还有一件 事,我认为会在明天引起轰动,那就是海伦·米伦凭借在电影《女王》中的精彩表现,荣获终身成就奖,该奖项由威廉王子颁发。”