Dear Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks,
(Corporate Name)
(State or Country of Corporation)
(Business Address)
The above identified applicant has adopted and is using the trademark shown in the accompanying drawing for (common, usual or ordinary name of goods) and requested that such mark be registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office on the Principal Register established by the Act of July 5, 1946.
上述申请人已经并正将附图中展示的商标用于(商品通用名称),现请求美国专利商标局根据 1946 年 7 月 5 日通过的法案而建立的商标目录上注册该商标。该商标于(日期)第一次用于该商品,于(日期)第一次使用于(贸易类型),且现在仍在该贸易中使用。
The trademark was first used on the goods on (Date); was first used in (Type of Commerce) commerce on (Date); and is now in use in such commerce. The mark is used by applying it to (manner of application, such as the goods or labels affixed to the product). Five specimens showing the mark as actually used are presented herewith.
该商标采取(使用方式,例如在产品上附标签)用在商品上。现附上 5 份样品,显示商标的实际使用情况。
Corporate Name
By:(Signature of Corporate Officer and Official Title)