Dear Mr. Kenny,
I was terribly sorry to know that you want to cancel our order No. PO0907020 this morning. Several deliveries of the components on this product had been delivered to your company in these months. I already dispatched our engineers to solve the software problem in your factory. Please tell me what else I can do about this matter.
我深感惶恐地怀着歉意,因今天早上听到杰克森要取消我们的订单 PO0907020。在这几个月来这个产品的零组件已经分批寄到你的公司,我也已经调度了几位工程师到你们工厂去解决软件问题。请告诉我在这件事上还有什么可以做的,我只是想避免最糟的结果出现。
Looking forward to hearing good news from you.
Sincerely Yours,
Vincent Lin
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