Dear Ms. Kitty,
We won't accept any delayed shipment from now on. Your delivery of Purchasing order PO0901023 was scheduled to be handled by UPS by the end of December. You postponed this shipment to January 6th, 2009, because of uncompleted accessories. On January 15th, 2009, this shipment was postponed again for bad weather. I don't care the excuse of your delaying tactics this time, but it won't be accepted anyway. Please proceed with this shipment at once, and let me know when it will arrive at our factory.
从现在开始我们不会再接受你的任何延迟出货理由,你的订购单 PO0901023 本因由 UPS 排定在 12 月底出货。你因为配件未完成而将之延迟到 2009 年 1 月 6 日,而 2009 年 1月 15 日时这批货又因为天气不佳而被耽搁了。我不管你这次又有什么拖延的借口,无论如何我都不会接受。请你立刻出货,并让我知道货品何时会抵达我们的工厂。
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate 10 to contact me now.
Sincerely Yours,
Albert Lee
艾伯特 • 李 谨上