This Brooklyn-based New York dance group specialize in a dance form called Uprocking,which mixes Salsa, the Hustle, and action moves,which were added to imitate a fight against an opposing dancer.
来自布鲁克林的纽约舞团以主跳Uprocking街舞,它混合了莎莎舞 哈尔斯舞 还有格斗动作,用以模仿与对方的斗舞。
The leader of the crew is Ralph Casanova, also known as King Uprock.
舞团的负责人是被誉为Uprock王的Ralph Casanova
He says Bruce Lee was a big influence on their dance style.
Rocking started in Brooklyn where a lot of guys were gang members,and B-boying was really popular in the Bronx,where they were doing more of the backspins and stuff like that, acrobatic moves.
摇滚舞起源于布鲁克林 当地许多人都是成帮成派的,而这些霹雳男孩在布朗克斯非常受欢迎,像旋转什么的杂耍动作很常见。
See, everybody was watching Bruce Lee and taking...
可以说 每个人都观察李小龙 获得...
learning different dances that they took something of him and added in the flavor of the dance they were doing.
After the launch of Enter the Dragon in the 1970s,dancers were quick to replicate Bruce Lee's kungfu moves and incorporate them into their dances.
Across america, numerous different dance styles emerged known to most today simply as Break Dancing.
And a lot of karate moves have, like, windmills and,you know, backspins, which... they didn't call it that,but we just watched all these moves and just take whatever we saw and add into Breaking or Rocking and other dances.
大量空手道动作 像是大轮转和倒旋等... 但是称法不同,我们看这类电影 并把任何看到的动作,加到霹雳舞(Breaking和Rocking都是霹雳舞)和其他舞蹈里。