教程:《名人传记》之李小龙  浏览:462  
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    It's not just actors Bruce Lee has inspired.His influence can be felt in people from all walks of life.


    Any people came into the martial arts film world,whether they met him or not, Bruce Lee was the prime influence.More interesting is the way that people in other areas poped the culture.The Rappers, the musicians, the film makers,directors, cinema photograghers,they all have been influenced by Bruce Lee.

    进入功夫电影世界的人,不论见没见过李小龙都会受到他的影响,更有意思的是 其他领域的人也对他趋之若鹜,包括说唱歌手、音乐人、电影制片人、导演、电影摄影师,他们都受到了李小龙的影响。

    Hollywood film director, Brett Ratner says Bruce Lee is his biggest influence.He's dircted 8 feature films grossing over one and a half billion dollars.And he's best known for the "Rush Hour" triligy starring Jacky Chen and Chris Tucker.

    好莱坞导演Brett Ratner说过 李小龙对他的影响最大,Brett Ratner执导了8部故事片 总票房达15亿美元,其中最著名的是成龙和Chris Tucker主演的"尖峰时刻"三部曲。

    First Bruce Lee's film was the "Enter the Dragon" and I became absessed with them.I think I watched it more than any other movie I've ever watched my entire life.That just completely blew me away.

    "龙争虎斗"是我看的第一部李小龙电影,然后我就着魔了,可以说 看这部电影的遍数超过了,我一生所看过的其他任何电影。太令人着迷了。

    Yeah, such a unique persona, such a unique style and individuality that he made fighting entertaining.

    嗯 凭借独一无二的角色 独一无二的风格和个性,他让格斗变得妙趣横生。

    He made it fun.He made it dramatic.He made it emotional.Actor Eddie Griffin's first experience of Bruce Lee was watching his second film "Fist of Fury" also known as the "Chinese Connection".It was released in 1973 made in Cantonese adapted into English.

    他的格斗有趣,充满戏剧性,充满激情。演员Eddie Griffin第一次接触李小龙是在看他的第二部电影"精武门"的时候,电影于1973年发行 粤语原声 英语配音。

    Why did you kill my teacher? Why, why, why, why...

    你为什么要杀我师父? 为什么 为什么 为什么...

    Then we were at a driving theater Kansas, Missouri.It's one of those movie theaters what we have 2 screens, one over here, and one's there.And we were watching "Fist of Fury".And there's a porno playing on the other.Tell ya how good Bruce Lee is, nobody was watching the porno.

    我们是在一家汽车电影院看的电影,在密苏里州堪萨斯城,就是那种两个荧幕的电影院 一个在这边 一个在另一边。当时我们看的是"精武门",另一边放的是部色情片,你不知道李小龙的片子多好看 根本没人看色情片。

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