你一个人呢 还是全体呢?我一个人就够你受了。
Blown away then we came out of the place.And nearly everybody thought is emulating Bruce.
真是过瘾 散场后我们出来,几乎所有人都想模仿李小龙。
Do that kick, such little brothers you know, and big brothers, you know, ah.And yeah, been hooked in the dude ever since.
模仿他的踢腿 小孩 大人都这样 哇,是啊 从此迷上了他。
Fellow comedian and actor Margaret Cho first saw Bruce Lee when she was 8 years old,
同是华裔的喜剧演员Margaret Cho8岁时和家人一起看他的电影
watching his film with her family.He was like a beautiful, beautiful man but also some... something that was not human.
I think his influence for me personally was really huge and watching him as a child made me see or gave me the notion that I could do whatever I wanted.
我觉得他对我个人的影响非常巨大,小时候看他的片子让我认识到 有志者事竟成
I don't know how I got the idea that I can be a comedian
and be in the movies and be in the TVs,I just still don't know.
But I realize it was because of Bruce Lee.So I feel, I feel like eternal indebted to him that I gotta fight, somehow
但是我觉得是李小龙的影响,所以我永远觉得受了李小龙的恩惠,我要奋斗 差不多吧。