As head of Golden Harvest studios,he was the biggest film producer in Hong Kong.
Now aged 80, he stopped doing interviews some time ago but has arranged to make an exception for Shannon, the daughter of a man he first saw on a television talk show nearly 40 years ago.
It's a fateful evening that I watched that,so I decided to call him first thing in the morning.And I would say that's the beginning of something important in the movie industry.
Bruce Lee changed the way actors were treated by studios by negotiating his own contract and taking a creative role in the writing, producing, directing, and choreography of his films.
通过合约的谈判 李小龙改变了作为演员所要面对的条条框框,从而扮演了一个集编剧 监制 导演和武术指导于一身的新角色。
You and my father had kind of an interesting and revolutionary relationship for the Hong Kong film industry, right?Yes.
您和我父亲都有兴趣,去改变香港电影产业结构 对吗?是的
I think that's the only fair way to do it,and it avoid a lot of problems of negotiating things,and Bruce and I were... relationship was so close.
He didn't want to have that.I didn't want to have that.