在观众中 有一个24岁就作为导演助理,完成自己第一部重要电影的人。
John Woo would go on to become one of the most influential action movie directors of his generation,responsible for films such as Broken Arrow, Face Off, and Mission: Impossible II.
他就是吴宇森,由于指导拍摄了如"断箭" "夺面双雄" "碟中谍2" 等一系列卖座电影,而使自己成为了那个时代最具影响力的动作电影导演之一。
When the people watched the movie,they didn't know how to react,because, you know, it's so new.
当人们观看电影时,他们不知所措,因为对于他们来说 一切都太新颖了。
It's so different.It's so different from other martial arts movie.You know Bruce performance too powerful.
And then after the final reel fade,and then they're all very happy,and they all cheer and clapping, you know.
I think, at that moment... I mean,at that night, we find our true hero.And from that night, Bruce Lee became a legend.
我认为 在那个时刻... 我的意思是,那天晚上 我们找到了自己心中的真英雄,从那晚开始 李小龙就成了一个传奇。
Despite costing less than $100,000,the Big Boss smashed all local box office records.
But even before the premiere,Bruce Lee had already started working on his next film, Fist of Fury,a film that would help create a sense of patriotism in Hong Kong.