博物馆的建设和大陆方面政策的宽松不谋而合,恰逢中央电视台正在热播,一部关于李小龙的50集大戏 "李小龙传奇"。
Wah!Hoo! Wah!Yah!Hoo!
哇!呼! 哇!呀!呼!
It's not available on Hong Kong TV, so tonight will be the first time many fans of Bruce Lee here will get to see it.
That was just pretty... pretty amazing,and it kind of gives you a whole new understanding of how cool he is as...
you know, as a martial artist person and as a family man, and, you know, as a professional.I think it's pretty amazing that China has... has wanted to embrace my father in this way.
You know, I think they look at my father as somebody who influenced the world.
我想 他们多半是因为我父亲对世界的影响才接受的吧
He sort of bridged the gap, as you will, between East and West, and he did it 35 years ago.
35年前 他消除了东西方的隔阂
And now here... here's China coming out to the world,essentially having a coming out party to the world,and so I think they see him as a metaphor in a way for...for themselves, and they really are embracing that.
而今天 中国正值改革开放,必须有一个开放的代表,我想 在某种程度上而言父亲就是他们所需要的代表 所以他们接受了他。