跟Brett Ratner一样 Quentin Tarantino是好莱坞另一位受到李小龙启发的大腕导演。
When he wanted someone to do the sound track for the movie Kill Bill,he approached Rza to draw on his vast knowledge of Bruce Lee films.
当想找人给"杀死比尔"配乐时,他找到Rza 对李小龙电影的了解滔滔不绝。
Doing music for Kill Bill was something that was a great opportunity for me.
I'm... I'm a hip-hop producer,and Tarantino was a Wu-Tang fan,asked me to become the first composer he ever hired.
我是... 我是嘻哈音乐制作人,而Tarantino是"武当派"迷,邀我作为他第一个聘用的作曲家。
And we actually met like two guys throwing out baseball cards, naming kungfu films,who knew the most films, and we became friends.
我们的碰面就像俩炫耀棒球卡的小孩 当然说的是功夫片,谁知道的电影更多 我们成为了朋友。
Like Rza, Damon Albarn from the British band Gorillaz saw Bruce Lee at an early age and was blown away.
跟Rza一样 英国街头顽童乐队的Damon Albarn,在很小的时候就看过李小龙的电影并为之折服。
His band has sold over 15 million albums, and their latest project,a circus opera called Monkey Journey To The West has been staged around the world.
他们的专辑卖出了超过1千5百万张 最近的作品,名为"西游记"的音乐剧已经开始全球巡回上演。
When creating the music for the opera,Damon Albarn drew on the soundtrack to Enter The Dragon.
为音乐剧作曲时,Damon Albarn参看了"龙争虎斗"的配乐。
I definitely thought about that when I was doing the music for...
当为... 为这出猴戏配乐时 我立马想到了这个
for the monkey opera, the strong use of orchestra,and it's just really exciting.It never became dull, you know?
强烈的管弦乐,激荡人心。绝不无聊 知道吗?
Bruce Lee's influence has been apparent in much of the Gorillaz's work since they launched in 1998 as the world's first virtual band.
从1998年 这个世界上首个虚拟乐队诞生之日起,街头顽童作品就明显带有李小龙气息。
You always say that too.They created their own Game of Death animation and dressed monkey in Bruce Lee's signature yellow tracksuit.
You put me monkey in a Bruce Lee...Yeah, well, exactly, monkey has a Bruce Lee tracksuit.Yeah, you can't really... it's so iconic.
你让猴子穿李小龙的...是 没错 猴子穿李小龙的连体衫,是的 你没法... 太深入人心了。
The Gorillaz aren't the only artists to capitalize on Bruce Lee's image.
The international appeal and strong brand identity is something advertisers and marketers have also been keen to exploit,creating a wave of Bruce Lee inspired commercials, comics,and video games around the world.
国际影响力和品牌形象是广告商和市场营销者追逐的焦点,他们在世界各地掀起了一股李小龙广告 动画,电玩的风潮。