What do we know about this corpse?
The killer's not left us with much,just the shirt and the trousers.
杀手没给我们留下什么线索 除了衬衫和裤子
They'reprettyformal, maybe he was going out for the night.
穿着很正规 他可能是晚上要出门
The trousers are heavy duty.Polyester, nasty, same as the shirt, cheap.
裤子材料是涤纶 很耐穿 和衬衫一样都是便宜的低档货
They're both too big for him.So some kind of standard-issue uniform.
但衣服裤子对他来说都太大 所以应该是某种标准配置的制服
Dressed for work, then. What kind of work?
是工作制服 什么样的工作呢
There's a hook on his belt... for a walkie-talkie.
Tube driver?Security guard?
地铁驾驶员吗 保安
More likely.That'll be borne out by his backside.
更有可能 从他后背就看得出来
Backside?!Flabby, you'd think he led a sedentary life.
后背怎么了 后背松弛无力 让人联想到他经常坐着
Yet the soles of his feet and the nascent varicose veins in his legs show otherwise.
So, a lot of walking anda lot of sitting around.
Security guard's looking good. The watch helps too.
更可能是保安 还有他的手表
The alarm shows he did regular night shifts.
Why regular? Maybe he set his alarm like that the night before he died?
怎么知道是经常 也许他只是碰巧在死前一晚设了闹铃
No, no, no. The buttons are stiff, hardly touched.He set his alarm like that a long time ago,his routine never varied.
不不不 按钮都还很僵硬 基本没有动过 他很久以前就设了那个闹铃 工作时间一直没变过
But there's something else.The killer must have been interrupted,otherwise he would have stripped the corpse completely.
但还有别的 杀手肯定是被打断了 要不他会把整个尸体都扒光
There was some kind of badge or insignia on the shirt front that he tore off,
suggesting the dead man works somewhere recognisable,some kind of institution.
说明他是在某个容易辨认的地方工作 应该是某种机构
I found this inside his trouser pockets.Sodden by the river, but still recognisably...
我在他裤子口袋里找到了这个 被河水完全浸湿了 但还是能依稀辨认出是...
Tickets?Ticket stubs.
门票吗 检票存根
He worked in a museum or gallery. Did a quick check.The Hickman Gallery has reported one of its attendants as missing,Alex Woodbridge.
他在博物馆或者美术馆工作 马上搜索了下 希曼美术馆 报案称有名员工失踪了 叫亚历·伍布里奇
Tonight, they unveil the rediscovered masterpiece.
Now, why would anyone want to pay the Golem to suffocate a perfectly ordinary gallery attendant?
现在的问题是 为什么会有人雇格木扼杀一位再普通不过的工作人员呢
Inference, the dead man knew something about it,something that would stop the owner getting paid £30 million.
说明死者知道了内幕 会让物主的三千万英镑打水漂
The pictures are fake.
Fantastic.Meretricious.And a Happy New Year.
帅呆了 哗众取宠罢了 难得你还懂得谦虚
Poor sod.
I'd better get my feelers out for this Golem character.
Pointless, you'll never find him, but I know a man who can.
无用功 你永远找不到他 不过我知道有人可以
谁 我呗