There`s no cure for Ebola. The vast majority of those who get it, die if they are not treated. Dr. Brantly and Ms. Writebol were treated and also given an experimental drug to help.
It`s not a proving drug, a Spanish priest who`ve got the same medicine died. But doctors say the Americans no longer have virus in their system and we are well enough to go home without any danger of transferring the virus to the public. Dr. Brantly says, it`s a miraculous day.
The rain helped keep things calm in Ferguson, Missouri Wednesday night. The town`s been on edge since an unarmed African-American man was shot and killed by a white police officer. Protests, some of them violent, have been almost constant since then. Most are in support of 18-year old Michael Brown. Eyewitnesses say he was trying to surrender when Officer Darren Wilson shot him on August 9. Some demonstrators have turned out to support Officer Wilson. Police say, Brown struggled with him and reached for the policeman`s gun before the shooting.
连绵的雨天缓和了弗格森群众的愤怒,自手无寸铁的非裔美国人被白人警察枪杀之后整个小镇居民都处于爆发的边缘。抗议者中一些人采取了暴力行为,之后便一发不可收拾。大多数人都支持18岁的迈克尔布朗。据目击者称当8月9号警员Darren Wilson射击布朗时布朗正试图投降。一些游行示威者开始转而支持警官Wilson。警方称,布朗与他在他开枪之前产生了争执。
A grand jury has been assembled. This is a group of people who will look at the evidence and decide whether Officer Wilson should be charged with the crime. That process could take several weeks.
The St. Louis district attorney`s office tells me that there`s no timeline on this case. Now, that being said, this has begun to be already a very complicated case.
Eyewitness testimonials is always problematic, because different people see things in different ways. You`ve probably seen the eyewitnesses that have come and given interviews. Well, they probably gave at least one statement to police. They are giving interviews on television maybe even newspapers and then finally, testimony at trial. If there`s a trial. Different times can produce different variations of events, and that leads to inconsistencies, which does not help the prosecution.
Another big complication is, there is another side to the story. Officer Darren Wilson`s side. Now, we have heard from a friend of his who recounts the story in a vastly different way from eyewitnesses, and that can be a major complication to what is the truth.
另外此事件还有另一个版本,就是警员Darren Wilson版本。我们现在已经从他的朋友那边听到了与目击者提供证词完全不同的说法,这也对澄清事实真相至关重要。
A third complication can be the autopsy report. Forensics, ballistics, we do have a private autopsy report, preliminary in nature from Dr. Michael Baden, and there are drawings that show the entrance wounds, they appear to all be frontal entrance wounds, and this is contradictory to what some of the eyewitnesses have said on CNN.
第三种说法是来自法医的鉴定。取弹,弹道学,我们确实有一份私人尸检报告,是来自Michael Baden医生的原始鉴定报告。一些图纸表明伤口的入口似乎都是从正面切入的,这与目击者提供的证词有出入。
There will be three autopsies in this case. We know the state autopsy, the private autopsy and federal autopsy. There may be different conclusions.
The first autopsy had access to the majority of the items. The clothes, X- Rays, witness statements, the car, maybe even a statement from the officer. The private autopsy didn`t have access to that. So, their conclusions may be very different from the state`s autopsy.
One critical question will be whether Michael Brown`s DNA is found on the gun, because one side to the story is that there was a struggle for the gun, and Michael Brown tried to grab the gun. That DNA will be critical. But remember, DNA isn`t always transferred. Even if somebody touches a gun, possible another complication of this case.
There`s no cure for Ebola. The vast majority of those who get it, die if they are not treated. Dr. Brantly and Ms. Writebol were treated and also given an experimental drug to help.
It`s not a proving drug, a Spanish priest who`ve got the same medicine died. But doctors say the Americans no longer have virus in their system and we are well enough to go home without any danger of transferring the virus to the public. Dr. Brantly says, it`s a miraculous day.
The rain helped keep things calm in Ferguson, Missouri Wednesday night. The town`s been on edge since an unarmed African-American man was shot and killed by a white police officer. Protests, some of them violent, have been almost constant since then. Most are in support of 18-year old Michael Brown. Eyewitnesses say he was trying to surrender when Officer Darren Wilson shot him on August 9. Some demonstrators have turned out to support Officer Wilson. Police say, Brown struggled with him and reached for the policeman`s gun before the shooting.
A grand jury has been assembled. This is a group of people who will look at the evidence and decide whether Officer Wilson should be charged with the crime. That process could take several weeks.
The St. Louis district attorney`s office tells me that there`s no timeline on this case. Now, that being said, this has begun to be already a very complicated case.
Eyewitness testimonials is always problematic, because different people see things in different ways. You`ve probably seen the eyewitnesses that have come and given interviews. Well, they probably gave at least one statement to police. They are giving interviews on television maybe even newspapers and then finally, testimony at trial. If there`s a trial. Different times can produce different variations of events, and that leads to inconsistencies, which does not help the prosecution.
Another big complication is, there is another side to the story. Officer Darren Wilson`s side. Now, we have heard from a friend of his who recounts the story in a vastly different way from eyewitnesses, and that can be a major complication to what is the truth.
A third complication can be the autopsy report. Forensics, ballistics, we do have a private autopsy report, preliminary in nature from Dr. Michael Baden, and there are drawings that show the entrance wounds, they appear to all be frontal entrance wounds, and this is contradictory to what some of the eyewitnesses have said on CNN.
There will be three autopsies in this case. We know the state autopsy, the private autopsy and federal autopsy. There may be different conclusions.
The first autopsy had access to the majority of the items. The clothes, X- Rays, witness statements, the car, maybe even a statement from the officer. The private autopsy didn`t have access to that. So, their conclusions may be very different from the state`s autopsy.
One critical question will be whether Michael Brown`s DNA is found on the gun, because one side to the story is that there was a struggle for the gun, and Michael Brown tried to grab the gun. That DNA will be critical. But remember, DNA isn`t always transferred. Even if somebody touches a gun, possible another complication of this case.