my mother used to read to me the writings of MartinLuther King
In Dr. King's "Letter from a Birmingham Jail"
he writes about the need to understand the urgency of the present
He writes about an experience with a white moderate --
an ally of the civil rights movement --
who wrote to him saying that he, Dr. King was in too great a hurry
此人写信给他 说他金牧师过于性急
and that "the lessons of Christ take time to come to earth"
而且"基督的教义传播人世 总要花费时日"
African Americans, the white moderate said
这位温和派人士认为 非裔美国人
would eventually -- eventually -- be granted their civil rights
最终 最终会获得民权
Dr. King responded, and I quote
金牧师回应说 我在此引用他的话
"Such an attitude stems from a tragic misconception of time
and a strangely irrational notion that there is something in the flow of time
"源自一种不合理的奇特观念 认为在时间之流当中"
that will inevitably cure all ills
Actually, time itself is neutral
"实际上 时间是中立的东西"
It can be used destructively or constructively
"它可以用于建设 也可以用于破坏"
More and more I feel that the people of ill will have used time
"我越发觉得 邪恶的人之利用时间"
much more effectively than the people of goodwill
We will have to repent in this generation not merely
"我们得在这一代进行忏悔 不仅因"
for the hateful words and actions of the bad people
but for the appalling silence of the good people"