Janet, I offer you my deepest appreciation you weremy teacher for macroeconomics when I was agraduate student.
珍妮特 我在此表示对你深深的尊敬你是我读研究生时的宏观经济学老师
Thank you
That learning has meant a lifetime to me.
In 2004 you took the helm of the District Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco before rising tobecome vice chair and then that ultimately chair at the Federal Reserve this year
2004年 你开始掌管旧金山地方联储银行之后升任美联储副主席并最终于今年升任美联储主席
You warned of problems in the housing market as early as 2005 even as you persevered inpushing and persuading your peers to take more aggressive measures
早在2005年 你就警示过房地产市场方面的问题你一直在劝说自己的同行让他们采取更加积极的措施
to deal with the looming economic catastrophe in 2008