1. 他选错击球点输了比赛。
He chose a wrong contact point and lost the game.
2. 咱们掷币来决定选择权。
Let's toss for the right of choice.
3. 我们谁先开球?
Which of us should break off first?
4. 马克147分,第一局比赛结束。
Mark 147.End of the first game.
5. 上一场比赛比分为四分平。
Last game's score was four all.
6. 在比赛时,要和对手握手。
Shake hands with an opponent in a match.
7. 不要站在对手的击球线上。
Do not stand in line of an opponent's shot.
8. 随时将自己犯规行为申报。
Declare all your own fouls at all times.
9. 一套标准台球有22个球。
A standard set of balls consists of 22 balls.
1O. 不能与裁判或对手争论。
Do not argue with the referee or opponent.
11. 我们的课外活动是打台球。
We had billiards for out side-class activities.
12. 你有得冠军的可能吗?
What's your chance of winning the championship?
13. 亨利会得到巨额奖金。
Henry will get a big amount of stake.
14. 在八频道有台球赛。
There's a billiards game on Channel 8.
15. 这次他有一个难缠的对手。
He has a difficult opponent this time.
16. 我最喜欢台球的体育新闻。
The sports news about billiards is my favorite.
17. 截止到今天汤姆赢了十场。
Tom has won ten games by the end of today.
18. 他在全国大赛上获得第二。
He won the second in the state competition.
19. 他们大多是世界级选手。
They are most of the world-class players.
20. 比赛最精彩的地方之一。
It's one of the highlights of the match.
21. 快给我讲讲比赛的经过。
Please describe the course for me soon.
22. 他参加少年台球联赛吗?
Did he join the little billiards league?
23. 我们无意中看见一块显然是指台球室的招牌。
We alighted upon a sign which manifestly referred to billiards.
24. 主球接连撞击两球的成功一击。
A shot in billiards in which the cue ball successively strikes two other balls.
25. 开球破局打台球时第一杆把聚在一起的球打散。
The opening shot that scatters the grouped balls in billiards.
contact point(击球点)break off(开球)score(比分)opponent(对手)foul(犯规)argue with(争论)champlonship(冠军)