[误] The prisoner\'s execution has caused a lot of public censure.
[正] The execution of the prisoner has caused a lot of public censure.
注:英语的属格有两种用法:一为主格作用(Subjective Possessive)。一为宾格作用(Objective Possessive)。例如 She has come to sing his praise. (她来赞美他。)是宾格作用。She doesn\'t want his praise.(她不要他赞美。)是主格作用。说 his praise(他的赞)用作主格作用是不会有误解的,但说 his praise(赞美他)用作宾格作用,把属格变成了宾格,就令人费解了。这两种作用在文字上是没有分别的,读者要从意义上才能加以辩明。如上例句中所说的 the prisoner\'s execution,意为处死囚犯,当然是宾格作用,因为被人处死,是被动,决不可能变成囚犯自己处死的,所以不能说成 the prisoner\'s execution,只能改用 of 的造句而说成 the execution of the prisoner,因为用 of 的造句多是表宾格作用的,例如 the choice of him=the act of choosing him.(选择他)。如说 his choice=the person or thing he has chosen(他所选定的人或物),就是主格作用了。