Many of us have become quick to catch illusions that trick your eyes,but how often do you consider illusions of the ear?Are you really able to trust your ears and the things they hear? For example,listen to Greg speaking.what do you hear?If you heard "Bar,Bar,Bar",you'd be right.But,how about now?Chances are,you heard "Far,Far,Far"this time,with an F.Except,you didn't.In fact,the audio didn't even change between the two videos.Strange as it may seem,what you hear depends on which video you're looking at.
有很多人都能一眼看穿视错觉,不过你考虑过听觉错觉吗?你真的能相信耳朵 以及 它听到的东西吗?举个例子 听听Greg说话。你听到了什么?如果听到“Bar Bar Bar"就对了。不过 现在呢?有可能 你这次听到的是含有F的“Far Far Far".不过 你没有。其实 两段视频中的音频并未改变。这似乎有些奇怪 你听到的声音取决于所看的视频。
Go ahead,take turns watching each video and see how the sound morphs.This is the perfect example of something called the "McGurk Effect",which shows how our visuals can alter what we believe we're hearing.Now I want you to count how many time you see a circle flash on screen.Let's do that one more time.Did you see it flash twice?Many people do,Yet,without the sound,it becomes clear that the circle is only flashing once.
断续试试 轮流看各个视频 感受下声音的变化,这个例子完美地诠释了“McGurk效应”,它说明 我们的所见可以改变自以为听到的东西,现在我想让你来数一数,屏幕上看到几次闪烁的圆,再来一次,你看到两次 是么?很多人是这样,而去掉声音则能清楚地看到圆只闪过一次。
In this case,the sound has altered your perceived vision.The next one works best with other people around.I'll play two tones,and you tell me if they are ascending or desending.In other words,are the notes played from low to high or high to low?Listen to this,Which was it?How about this one?Write down what you heard fro each number and let us know in the comment.
在这里 声音改变了你的所见,下一个例子最好与其他人一起做,我会播放两种音调,你来告诉我,音调是上升了还是下降了,换句话说 它们的调子是从低到高还是从高到低,听好了,是哪个呢?这一个呢?写下你对每个例子的答案 在评论中留下你的高见。
Chances are,if you compare with enough people,you'll all have different answers.Surprising?Try some more.And this one.How is it possible that you are hearing something different from others?It's an auditory illusion called the "Tritone Paradox".It's created in such a way that the tones contain both a higher and a lower frequency in them but our brains have a preference of which to listen to.Diana Deutsch,the creater of this illusion found that your geography and language from infancy,all play a role in deciding this preference.
很可能 如果你同足够多的人比较,你们每个人的答案都不同,震惊了 再来几发,还有这个,你所听到的怎么会和其他人的不同呢?这是一种错听 即“三全音悖论”,它是通过某种音调中包括,一个高频和一个低频声音产生的,但我们的大脑偏爱于听某一种声音,错觉创作者 Diana Deutsch,发现 人的地理位置和自出生以来的语言,都决定着这种偏好。
Finally,listen to this audio clip of a gradually climbing tune.And yet,if I play the exact same clip back to you,if will sound like it's only continuing to climb higher and higher.I swear this is the exact same clip I just played.You can rewind that section of this video over and over and check for yourself.Try it?Each time you started over,the tune is seemingly climbing even higher.
最后 听听这段逐渐升高的旋律,如果我把同一段视频再放一遍,听上去音调只会越爬越高,我发誓 这高是我刚才播放的片段,你可以一遍遍重放那段视频 自己验证,试试吧,每次从头开始后,旋律总会听上去越升越高。
It's called the "Shepard Tone Illusion"of which there are many variations.In it,multiple sine waves are played on top of one another,raising in pitch,while one quickly drops down an octave as the others continue rising.But our brain doesn't know this drop,so the clips sound like they are rising forever.These illusions may help to explain how something like music.can have such a profound yet varying effect on our minds.which we discussed in our new AsapTHOUGHT episode.
这被称为“Shepard音错觉”它的变体很多,其中 多个正弦波相互叠加 音调逐渐升高,而其中一个迅速下降八度 其他音调仍在上升,但我作的大脑未注意到降调,因此视频(的音调)听上去在不停上升,这些错觉可以帮助解释 音乐等事物是如何对我们的思想产生多种且深远的影响,我们在新一期Asap THOUGHT 中加以讨论。
Here,along with the question of "Whether or not music can save your life".
在这里 连同新问题“音乐是否能拯救生命”。