Vsauce I'm Jake and being able to go from one point in 3 dimensional space to another is an incredibly cool concept and a major mechanic in the game Portal where you use wormholes as a means of physically connecting two different locations,but unfortunately that it isn't yet possible.
A wormhole is a hypothetical shortcut through spacetime and one that requires negative energy to create,however we would first have to figure out how to create negative energy...which is also hypothetical.But that shouldn't stop us from thinking with Portals,so let's start with what a Portal is.
A Portal is defined as an entrance or doorway.They are gateways into different places,into new experiences and new worlds.When you were a kid on the playground if someone said the ground was lava,the ground was lava.You had entered the Magic Circle.Extra Credits has a great video all about it but imagine you're on a soccer field,in a classroom or in a court,in those places different rules apply than in normal life and we accept them.
按照定义,传送门可以看做入口或者门是去住不同地方、融入新体验、进入新世界的通路,小时候在操场上玩耍,如果有人说地面是岩浆,我们真的会以为,此时的你已经踏进了魔法阵中,关于这个理念,Extra Credits出过一个阐述得很好的视频。想象一下,如果你现在身处足球绿茵场、或是教室、法庭 在这些地方,我们遵守着与日常生活不同的规则。
The same goes for books,movies and video games.While playing Metal Gear Solid there was a moment when a character died that actually made me tear up.It was the first time I had cared that deeply about a character in a video game-a mesh of polygons.And that got me thinking about how we connect to fictional characters.In Frank Rose great book,The Art of Immersion he mentions an experiment by former game designer-Demis Hassabis in which he took patients suffering from a disease that affects memory and had them imagine laying on a beach.
书籍、电影和游戏也是如此,我在玩《合金装备》时,曾经为某个角色的死亡落泪。这是我第一次深深地为一个游戏中的角色担忧——其实就是——这让我思考我们与虚拟人物的关系。在《The Art of Immersion》一书中,作者Frank Rose提到了前游戏设计师Demis Hassabis做过的一项实验,在实验中他让疾病导致记忆力受损的病人想象自己正躺在沙滩上。
One of the subjects could see the color blue,hear birds,the sound of the ocean and some ship horns.That was as much as he could imagine.A control subject,someone with the full capability of their memory was asked the same thing and they described the sun,the sand,the heat,the color,of the sea,and saw palm trees running along the beach.
What Hassabis discovered was that our memories are what help us form our imagination,they're what allow us to integrate naturally with imaged settings.His over all goal was to form a model of human brain function enabling game designers to make characters with emotions,memories and thoughts.To create an intelligent artificial intelligence.It is the reason why a game like The Sims was so revolutionary.It felt like the characters,the sims,had virtual free will.
Hassabis 发现记忆可以帮助我们进行想象,正是有了记忆,我们才能自然而然地与影像进行互动。他的目的是构建出一个具有人脑功能的模型可以让游戏设计都设计出带有情感、记忆和思想的角色。制作出一个能理解人的人工智能。这也是为什么《模拟人生》这类游戏能够带来如此巨大变革的原因。我们好像觉得《模拟人生》里面的角色真的有自由意志一样。
We'd place them in a world that we helped shape but we never knew the exact outcome.The game would act as a portal into an alternate version of our own reality -one that we felt we have more control of,When you enter a virtual world,an important aspect that keeps you engaged is the illusiion of choice,that decisions you make will affect the outcome of the game.even though the reality it's already been pre-programmed,even it has multiple endings.
The Stanley Parble does a great job of making the illusion of choice a center piece in the game and then mocking it.Stanley took the first open door and then he left,Stanley was so bad in following the directions,it's incredible he wasn't fired years ago.One of the reasons multiplay games like Counter-Strike and World of Warcraft are still so active is because the characters you are playing against are people,completely unpredictable people.
There has always been that instinctive urge,that desire to live inside the fictional worlds of the books we've read,movies we've watched or the virtual ones of games we've played.And faster than ever before,technology is getting us there.he Oculus Rift allows us to explore the boiler room from Spirited Away,be teleported to the bustling streets of Tokyo or maneuver your way through City 17 in Half Life 2-all without leaving your home.
我们天生就渴望生活在书本、电影和游戏的虚拟世界中,今天的技术正以前所未有的速度实现我们的梦想。有了Oculus Rift,我们可以探寻《千与千寻》中的锅炉房,也可以传送到熙熙攘攘的东京街头,还能漫步《半条命2》中的一切无需离开你家就能实现。
Even when we're being passive and watching content on television,the experience is becoming more immersive.Samsung was the first to create curved ultra high definition televisions,displaying images 4 times that of HD.The first time I watched a movie on one it felt like looking through a window.And right now you are starting at the biggest portal imaginable...the Internet.
You can start on the wikipedia page for Jelly Doughnut and,4 link clicks later,end up on the Meaning of Life.You can go on reddit and explore fictional worlds other people have made in the World Building sub reddit.You can go to college,watch pretty much any movie,read any book and if there is a story you wish existed there is probably a fanfiction of it or at least an epic rap battle.
你可以先从维基上观看果冻甜甜圈的页面,经过四次链接跳转后,你就来到了“生命的意义”这个页面。在Reddit-World Building子版块中,你可以探索由其它网友构建出的众多虚拟世界。你可以在互联网上读大学、看电影、读书....这里有同人小说或者一场Rap大战。
And with this incredible portal that we have now,we are spending more and more time in virtual reality.We interact virtually,we shop virtually,we live virtually...at least part of us does and we also consume a lot more information than ever before.There are people that say that we spend too much time playing video games or on computers,but there were also people in the 19th century who had the same fears about reading too many novels.
In America in the 1940s people would gather and burn comic books.Even in 1605 the character Don Quixote"filled his imagination to bursting with everything he read in books that it became the literal truth"which led to him thinking he was a knight and jousting windmills.So what is the next progression for immersion?It may be Brain Computer Interfacing.Jan Scheuerman is a quadriplegic who had electrodes injected into the parts of her brain that activated when she thought of moving her arm and shoulder.
20世纪40年代的美国,人们曾经将漫画书集中焚毁,甚至早在1605年,文学作品中的堂.吉诃德就“将所有书中讲到的东西想象成现实”他以为自己是一名骑士,还和风车进行决斗。那么下一步浸入会怎么发展呢?可能就是脑机接口,四肢瘫痪的Jan Scheuerman在脑内植入了电极只要她想到移动胳膊或肩膀,电极就会被激活。
Those signals were sent directly to a robotic arm,allowing her to control it.Once we can tap directly into our minds and have our sensory inputs feeding into a computer you could visit Mars without needing a spaceship.When you'd open your eyes,you'd be seeing the Red Planet.When you wanted to walk,you'd just think it and your character's legs move.
The same goes for exploring virtual worlds.And as we spend more time in these worlds,they start to bleed into our own.If I asked you right now to write a paper from memory about the history,of Batman and a paper on the history of Einstein which do you think would be longer? Which would have more detail?If I were to tell you that Batman's name was Jim Wayne,his parent's died in a car accident and his bat cave was in a Taco Bell ,you would tell me I'm wrong.
在虚拟世界浏览也是这个道理。我们花越来越多时间在虚拟世界的同时,虚拟世界也在渐渐渗入。现在我让你马上凭记忆各写一篇蝙蝠侠记和爱因斯坦记,你觉得哪篇文章会长一些?哪篇文章的细节更多?如果我说蝙蝠侠叫吉姆.维恩,父母在一次车祸中丧生,他的蝙蝠洞在一家Taco Bell快餐店里,你能分辨出其实我说错了。
Because these are things you know about Batman,things that are truths.Just like I'd be wrong if I told you that Einstein had long black hair and had lived in an RV.If we can argue about a fictional character's history or traits,does that make them,in a sense,real?I've surprisingly,never met Abraham Lincoln but I can read about him in books,see him portrayed in movies.
I've also never met Luke Skywalker but he is in movies and in books as well.In fact the Star Wars wiki for him has 42,000 more words than the wikipedia entry for Abraham Lincoln.But we know that Abraham Lincoln existed...so then I'd say how do we know that Luke Skywalker never existed? Sure nobody has met Skywalker but there is nobody alive that has met Lincoln.
All we have of them are stories.And on that point... how do you know that I exist?What you're watching right now is a bunch of code that is being interpreted by a machine to display an image.If some of the code gets deleted,I become corrupted.Sure you can follow me on twitter and instagram,but you can also follow Betty Draper,a character from Mad Men on twitter.Have you ever met me?Have you seen me in real life with your own eyes?
我们知道的只有他们的故事,所以...你怎么确定我是真实存在的?你现在看到的不过是一大堆由机器解读后显示成图像的代码群,只要删除其中一些代码,我的图像就会崩。你可以在Twitter和instagram上关注我,但是你也能关注《广告狂人》中的虚拟角色Betty Draper,你见过我么?你在现实生活中亲眼见过我么?
You fill in who I am by waht you know of me,by what you see of me and by your own experiences and memories to create a full picture.You have gone through a portal and entered my world and in this world we have a magic circle that you accept as true.But it isn't until we pull back that you actually get the full picture that this whole time I have just been a recording on a television screen.And as always,thanks for watching.