Vsauce!Kevin here.Cerbera Odollam also known as "The Suicide Tree"contains a potent alkaloid toxin that is nearly impossible to detect in autopsies making it a common choice for murder when masked by spices in food.What the FAK!? The facts and knowledge on Deadly Plants.The neurotoxin delivered from the Gympie Stinger of Australia is strong enough to kill certain animals and humans.
Vsauce我是 Kevin海芒果 又称“自杀树”含有一种强效生物碱毒素,在尸检中几乎无法检测到,在香料的遮掩下 它成了常见的谋杀工具。卧槽!?致命植物的那些事。澳洲植物Gympie Stinger 内的神经毒素 强得足以干掉某些动物和人类。
When the broad leaves of the plant are touched by human skin,small needle-like hairs penetrate it causing a horribly painful sting.Entomologist Marina Hurley describes the experience as,"like being burnt with hot acid and electrocuted at the same time."Moroidin,a bicyclic octapeptide is the compound believed to cause the excruciating pain and symptoms can last months after contact,especially in the cold.
当人碰到植物宽阔的叶子时,如针般微小的绒毛穿透皮肤 引起强烈的刺痛。昆虫学家Marina Hurley 将此形容为好像同时被热酸烧灼 被电击刺痛一般。一种名为Moroidin的双环八肽 据称可引起极度痛苦接触后症状可持续数月之久 尤其是在寒冷环境中。
There is no cure for the sting,and using wax to pull the hairs from the skin is the only recommendation for relief.Conium maculatum commonly known as poison hemlock is known for killing Socrates.It's widely distributed throughout the world and is considered an invasive species in 12 U.S.States.Conine,the dangerous chemical found in Hemlock has a structure similar to Nicotine that disrupts the central nervous system and leads to repiratory failure.
刺痛无方可医 用蜡从皮肤上把绒手粘下来是唯一缓解之计。钩吻叶芹 俗称“毒芹”毒死了苏格拉底。它广泛分布在世界各地在美国12个州被列为入侵生物。毒芹中发现“毒芹碱”结构与尼古丁相似,会造成中枢神经系统紊乱 并导致呼吸衰竭。
Ingesting any more than six to eight leaves can be fatal without artificial ventilation for the 48-72 hours it takes for the effects to wear off.Water Hemlock is commonly mistaken for parsnip which is a problem because it's North America's most toxic plant.Within 30-60 minutes of consumption people experience nausea,vomiting and tremors followed by severe cramps,projectile vomiting,and convulsions.
摄入6-8片叶子就可致死 在毒性发作的48-72小时内旅行人工呼吸可挽救中毒者。水毒堇常被误当做防风草 问题来了 它可是北美毒性最强的植物。食入30-60分钟后 人会感到恶心 呕吐 震颤紧随其后的是严重痉挛 喷射性呕吐及抽搐。
Any amount of the Water Hemlock will likely cause death or permanent neurological damage.Livestock is highly susceptible to the poisoning,causing death to cattle within as little as 15 minutes.The sap that covers the broad leaves of the Giant Hogweed plant is extremely dangerous when combined with human skin and sunlight.It grows all over the world and the sap contains photosensitizing furanocoumarins,which cause severe burns when exposed to sunlight.The scars can take 6 years to heal and minute amounts in the eye can cause permanent blindness.
任何剂量的水毒堇都可能会造成死亡或永久神经伤害。牲畜极易受到有毒物质影响,15分钟内牛就可因其而死。大猪草阔叶表面的粘液具有极强的毒性,尤其是对暴露在阳光下的人类皮肤。它遍布世界各地 粘液中含有光敏呋喃香豆素,暴露在阳光下时会造成严重灼伤。伤疤需要6年才能恢复微量物质进入眼中可造成永久失明。
It's so toxic that it's illegal to import into the United States without permission from the Department of Agriculture.The Angel's Trumpet contains toxins that induce hallucinations described as terrifying.The tropane alkaloids cause paralysis of the smooth muscles,confusion,auditory and visual hallucinations,increased heart rate,and even death.
它的毒性太强 以至于若没有农业部批准 美国不允许进口这种植物。曼陀罗花中含有一种毒素 可导致极为恐怖的幻觉。莨菪烷类生物碱会导致平滑肌麻痹 意识模糊,视听幻觉 心跳加速 甚至死亡。
Another effect is turning people into so-called zombies,with alleged stories of unsuspecting victims being drugged and then obeying the commands of a criminal,allowing themselves to be robbed of all their possessions.Abraham Lincoln's mother was possibly killed by White Snakeroot.It's native North America and contains the poison Tremetol.
另一个作用是 把人变成所谓的“僵尸”,有故事称 毫无意识的受害者被下毒后,对罪犯言听计从,乖乖地让自己所有的财产被洗劫一空。林肯的母亲很可能就是因白蛇根草而死。它是北美本土生植物 含有白蛇根毒素。
Drinking the milk or eating the meat of livestock that have consumed it causes severe trembling,vomiting,and intestinal pain.Despite being rare today,during the early 19th century.it was the cause of death for thousands of European Americans.The Castor Oil plant is used in medicine as well as for lubricating car parts but the seeds contain a highly poisonous toxin called Ricin.
牲畜食入白蛇根草后 人类饮用它们的奶或者吃下牲畜的肉会导致严重颤抖 呕吐及肠胃疼痛。尽管今日它很罕见 19世纪早期,它可干掉了数千名欧洲裔美国人。蓖麻油常用于药物及车辆部件的润滑 而它的种子含有一种剧毒物质 蓖麻毒。
It inhibits protein synthesis and a dose the size of a few grains of salt can kill an adult human when inhaled or injected.Symptoms include abdominal pain,severe diarrhea,and circulatory shock.Death occurs within 3-5 days but a full recovery is expected as long as medical treatment is administered.I'm gonna leave you with this plant,What is it and what is it rumored to kill?Before we go here's last video's winner.
它会抑制蛋白质合成 几粒盐那么小的剂量,就能在吸入或注射时杀死一名成年人。其症状包括腹痛 严重腹泻以及循环休克。3-5天内 死亡就会降临 不过 有了医疗救治患者就可以痊愈。这种植物留给你看看,它是什么 它又能杀死什么?结束前说说上个视频的胜者吧。