Answered by Michael Johnson
Michael Johnson 回答:
I've repeatedly tested at 162 and I am a complete dumbass. Life is hard. I may get things easier than others, but I don't seem to have the attention span to implement them. I feel like my processor is overclocked but my memory speed doesn't match my bus.
Answered by Leon Matthias
When I was thirteen I scored 161 on the Cattell B test at a session administered by British Mensa.
Since then I have not gotten into Oxford University, not gotten into Cambridge University, achieved an Upper Second class degree, and failed seven out of fifteen exams whilst studying to be a chartered accountant.
It's not about IQ; it's about how hard you work and what you make of the opportunities you are given.
Leon Matthias 回答:
门萨协会(British Mensa)成立于1946年,是一个国际性组织,号称世界顶级智商俱乐部,最大特色是该会以智商为唯一入会标准。协会从人类利益出发,确认、培养以及巩固人类智商;鼓励开发研究人的智力本能、特征和用途;为会员提供宝贵的智力刺激、交流和发展的机会。(来自百度百科)
Answered by CamMi Pham
CamMi Pham 回答:
Two years ago I had a chance to have a chat with this charming 30 something young man. He told me he is one of the people who have the highest IQ in Toronto. I cannot recall exactly the number, but it was over 160.
He also told me his brother is also very smart. The brother is in the top 5 in Toronto.
Guess what these two men were doing at that point.
The brother was working in a convenience store at a gas station. My friend was doing an entry level job. He told me he can learn anything within a few days. However, he gets bored easily and cannot figure out what he wants to do in life.
Is being too smart a blessing or a curse?
Being smart doesn't make your life easier. Intelligence is like a tool. It all depends on how you use it.