教程:Quora精选  浏览:140  
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    What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?别人为你做过什么最暖心的事?


    获得730.6k好评的回答@Raj Kothari:

    Date: 16/03/2016.时间:2016年3月16日Location: Dallas/FortWorth(DFW) Airport, USA地点:美国达拉斯—沃恩堡国际机场This happened with me when I was heading back to India with my team after an International Aero-Designing Competition. We were carrying two large crates as can be seen in the picture below.事发时我正要回印度,我们团队刚参加完一个国际飞行器设计大赛。我们带着下图中的两个大箱子。In the returning flight, both of our crates were tagged as "exceeding baggage dimensional allowance" by Qatar Airways and a penalty of 130 USD was imposed on each box. We, three, having a little more than 70 dollars in total were left forsaken in a foreign country. After all our efforts for persuading and negotiating with the supervisor at the airline check-in counter went in vain, a man, maybe in his late 30's, standing besides us, was listening to our conversation quite interestingly.回程时两个箱子都被卡塔尔航空公司贴上了“行李尺寸超标”的标签,每个箱子追加了130美元的罚金。我们三个人身上共有70多美元,滞留在了异国他乡,我们对办理登机手续的工作人员的恳求和进行的交涉都是徒劳,后来有一个接近40岁的男人来到我们身边,颇感兴趣地听我们交谈。Stranger : Kya problem hai? (What's the problem?)陌生人说:“怎么了?”Me: Humara luggage oversized hai, so, we need to pay 260 dollars extra.(Our luggage is oversized, so we need to pay 260 dollars extra)我说:“我们的行李尺寸超标了,需要额外交260美元。”Stranger: Koi masla nahi, tum log luggage check-in karao, I will pay for your boxes.(Don't worry about it, I will pay for your boxes. Please, continue with your check-in process)陌生人说:“别担心了,我帮你们交。请继续办理登机手续吧。”We were amazed and puzzled at the same time as to why a complete stranger, who does not even know our names would offer us help in a country like USA. Being choiceless, we decided to accept his help and asked him about his account number, so that, after returning to India, we can transfer the money back, to which he politely declined.我们很惊讶,同时也很困惑,不知道为什么一个素不相识的人在美国这样的国家会帮我们,他甚至都不知道我们的名字。我们别无选择,只能决定接受他的帮助,并询问他的账号,以便回到印度之后能把钱还给他,但被婉拒了。Me: Thank you so much for your help, Sir. By the way, aap India me kahase hai? (thank-you so much for your help, Sir. btw, where do you live in India)我说:“非常感谢你的帮助,先生,顺便问一下,你住在印度什么地方?”Stranger: Karachi, Pakistan se hu.(I am from Karachi, Pakistan)陌生人说:“我来自巴基斯坦的卡拉奇。”This statement of his left all three of us dumbstruck. Having no idea how to respond over this interestingly surprising change, we took a selfie with this noble man as a mark of remembrance.他的回答把我们三个人都弄懵了,不知道如何应对这一有趣的突发状况,我们就和这个“贵人”拍了一张自拍留念。​The Stranger (Ammad sir) at extreme right.最右侧是那个陌生人(Ammad先生)。




      上一篇:Quora精选:大学生最常犯的错误是什么? 下一篇:Quora精选:你最喜欢自己哪一点?


