怎样减压 How to Reduce Your Stress
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    How to Reduce Your Stress

    Take a scientific approach to soothing your frazzled nerves with these proven methods.

    Steps 步骤

    STEP 1 Start exercising 开始运动锻炼
    Start exercising. Pick an activity you like, such as swimming, dancing, or riding a bike.
    STEP 2 Meditate 冥想
    Learn to meditate. Consult a book or CD for techniques on meditation and relaxation, or check your local yellow pages for a class near you.
    In one study, more than half the people who meditated two and a half hours a week for eight weeks reported a whopping 54% reduction in stress.
    STEP 3 Get sleep 保证良好睡眠
    Get seven to nine hours of sleep every night. The National Sleep Foundation says that anything less could negatively affect both decision-making and interactions with others, leading to anxiety.
    STEP 4 Go to bed early 早点上床休息
    Go to bed 30 minutes to an hour before your normal bedtime and do something relaxing like read a book or listen to soft music
    Get a professional massage a few times a month. It’s pricey, but people who get regular massages have lower levels of anxiety and fewer headaches.
    STEP 5 Reduce caffeine 减少咖啡因摄取
    Reduce your caffeine intake, which can make you jittery all day. Instead of coffee, try herbal tea.
    Reduce your caffeine intake gradually to avoid withdrawal symptoms like headaches.
    STEP 6 Book vacation 为自己预定一个假期
    Book a vacation. Research shows that frequent vacationers are eight times less likely to die of a heart attack than those who rarely go on holiday.
    STEP 7 Consider root of stress 想想压力的根源
    Consider whether your stress has a root problem that should be dealt with. Maybe you need to cut back on your activities for a while, or stick up for yourself more, or try therapy to see if there’s something in particular that’s stressing you out.
    The American Institute of Stress estimates that stress costs U.S. businesses $300 billion a year in absenteeism, burnout, and mental health problems.

      上一篇:怎样让自己完全放松 How to Achieve Total Relaxation 下一篇:怎样发泄情绪 How to Let It All Out

