教程:老外常聊的100个口语话题  浏览:1133  
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    Foot ball 绿茵纵横

    dialogue 1

    Daverm: Did you watch the Preiership last night?


    Edward: Yes, I watchcd United play Chelsea. What a ficrcc battle ! AllpIay were engaged in intensive pressing and tackjing in midfield. W ell, it was not like a normal English League match.



    D: No, it wasn't. Rather, it looked likc a Bundesliga match, where pbysical contact is sofrequent. English Leaguc tcams are apt to pass the midfield quickly with long passcs.It seems to me English soccer players arc very gentlemanly. As Diego Maradona spoketeasingly,they oftrn knew only chasing hard afler the ball, but forgot to steal it.


    E: Haha. That's probably why slide taCkICS and fouls are less common, and offsides morefrequt:nt in English Let matches tban those on the Continent. And the ball is oftenkcpt flying overhead, drawing beautiful curves in the sky. Such games arrc qurte pleasirrg to the eye.


    D: Which tcam do you backthen?


    e i'm a firm United supporter. I like their playing style. The Reds always have scveral CxcelIent wing-backs, Iike Giggs, Bcckham and Gary Nevillc.Thcy often make wonderful

    crosses when thcy assist in attacking.


    D: But the Rcds ke :p a wcak midfield. I think Juventos of ltaIian Serie A have always maintained a very formidable mld. It is the mainsource of its strcngth.


    dialogue 2

    D: Which team do you think will emerge with the last laugh in this Wodd Cup?


    E: I wish it could bc Gcrmany. But it seems tbcy are not in vcry good ctmditions.


    D: No, they aren't.Thcy had a hard time in the group stagc and only sealed a sit in the cighth-finals with Ballack 's bcader in the final threc minutes. Just think, group A consists of Austria. China, and Saudi Arabia, all of which are minnows.


    E: It sccms they've been out of luck sincc the beginning of the event. Their shots hit thewoodwork as many as six times. Oh. my g0lodness! I'm afraid the team is under a spell.


    D: Well, at least the Germans have dcmonstrated very good ability to control the midfreld nley roconbd a totaJ of 62 takIcs in the match against Austria. And they to be endowed with perfect positional . I think that will give rise to scoring cbances or later.


    E: I agree.EVcn though Gcm attackers are not lr:ood at dribbling past opposing defhdent,they brcach the defensiVc linc througb quick movements to the right attacking positions and through accurate, well-timed passes.


    D: That's why I still have ver high hopes for the team. Now that tbc toumament has proceeded into the knock-out stage, the Germans will probably make it through to the finals.


    E: Yes.Thcy bavc a good reputation for their tcnacity and discipline, especially in vital,decisive encounters.


      上一篇:老外想聊的100个英语口语话题 75 球星璀璨 下一篇:老外想聊的100个英语口语话题(77):智力运动


