“I want someone who has diverse interests,” stated Sally. “I don’t really care about intelligence, or whether he’s able to recite doctrines of any kind. I think diversity is the key to an interesting relationship.”
“That makes sense,” said Mary. “However, I’m more interested in whether he has diversified his investments. I draw a diving line between poor men and rich men. A wealthy man with a diversified investment portfolio satisfies my need for financial security.”
“Be sure that he shows you the documentation for his investments,” said Jane with a laugh. “And make certain that he divides the investments with you in advance so that he can’t divest you when you divorce him! If you ask what I want, I would love to have a super hero. He has to be brave enough to challenge political and religious dogma. He also must be fast enough to dodge a speeding car, strong enough to divert a flowing river, yet docile enough for me to control. ”
“You want a man who is strong enough to cause the diversion of a river?” asked Susan with a giggle. “I suppose that’s possible. I think it has been documented once by a TV documentary, but I think the guy was using a bulldozer. As for me, I’d be happy if he was strong enough not to get dizzy on a merry-go-round. Actually, I want someone with dogged honesty who is willing to divulge his deepest secrets. Communications is the solution to most relationship problems. I don’t like dogmatic people who expect you to accept everything they say without explanation”
“Well, aren’t we lucky?” asked Sally. “We don’t have to complete! We are all chasing after a different kind of man!”
diverse adj. 不同的,变化多的
diversified adj. 多样化的
diversity vt. 使多样化
diversion n. 转向,转移;消遣,娱乐
diversity n. 差异,多样
divert vt. 转移,使转向
divest v. 卸下,脱下(衣服);剥夺
divide vt. 划分,分开;分裂
dividing line 分界线
divorce vt. 离婚
divulge v. 泄露(秘密),透露
dizzy adj. 眩晕的
docile adj. 驯服的,温顺的
doctrine n. 教义,教旨
document vt. 证明;文件记载
documentary adj. 文件的 n. 纪录片
documentation n. 文件
dodge v. 闪开,躲避,逃避责任
dogged adj. 顽强的,固执的
dogma n. 教条,教义
dogmatic adj. 武断的,教条的,固执己见的