“ Smithers, don’t you think it’s ironic that your irregular night-time activities are in inverse proportion to your reputation as an expert in the area of invertebrate research?” the director of the academy demanded to know.
“ I should like to invoke my right to remain silent, sir,” Smithers defiantly replied.
“ Your invocation of some right or other will do you no good at all. I find your irresponsible behaviour, coupled with your irreverent attitude, quite irreconcilable with your position. Unless you come clean, Smithers, we shall have to investigate those allegations against you very seriously, indeed. That’s not an inviting prospect, neither for you, nor for the academy. Pending the outcome of the investigation, you will be put on involuntary leave.”
“Sir, my behaviour both in and out of work has been irreproachable, apart only from the fact that I have found the odd glass or two of gin and tonic irresistible.”
“Listen, man, the damage you have done to the reputation of this institution of learning and research is probably already quite irreparable, and I find your answers so far have been quite irrelevant. Your irresolute attitude, coupled with your irrepressible sense of nonchalance simply is inappropriate to the seriousness of the situation. You simply leave me no choice. My decision is irreversible: You are on indefinite leave pending the investigation. The irony of it is, of course, Smithers, that you were such an outstanding member of our team when you first got here. Tell me, what’s got into you lately?”
Smithers stood in silence.
inverse adj. 反的
invertebrate n./adj. 无脊椎动物(的)
investigate vt. 调查,研究
inviting adj. 诱人的,引人注目的
invocation n. 祈求,祈祷,援用
invoke n. 恳求,祈求,援用(某事物)为行支依据或理由
involuntary adj. 不知不觉的,无意识的,不自觉的
ironic adj. 讽刺的
irreconcilable adj. 不能妥协的,不能调和的
irregular adj. 不规则的,不整齐的
irrelevant adj. 离题的,无关的
irreparable adj. 不能挽回的
irrepressible adj. 不可压制的,难以征服的
irreproachable adj. 无可指责的
irresistible adj. 无法抗拒的,无法抵抗的,诱人的
irresolute adj. 犹豫不决的
irresponsible adj. 不负责任的
irreverent adj. 不敬的
irreversible adj. 不可更改的,不可撤销的