According to textinganddrivingsafety.com, our eyes are off the road for at least five seconds whenever we text and drive. So, at 55 miles per hour, it`s like driving the length of the football field without looking.
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A significant majority of American High School Students have phones. Because of them probably want to live to be 100, Dr. Gupta is making some calls.
DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Texting and driving is one of these real concerns that we can actually do something about. We know for example every year, there are around 100,000 texting while driving accidents.
SANJAY GUPTA博士,CNN首席医疗记者:边开车边发短信是我们实际上会做的切实的隐患之一。我们知道,每年大约都有10万起因边发短信边开车的车祸发生。
When you`re texting and driving, your reaction time decreases, your concentration decreases. Some people have likened to driving with a blood alcohol level of 0.08.
Just like they say -- you don`t let friends drive drunk, you don`t let friends drive while texting either.
There are various state laws in place to limit texting and driving. Obviously, there are traffic tickets that are being given.
There`s also been some really interesting technologies, everything from automatic replies from your phone if someone is calling or texting or emailing you, to even devices that will monitor how fast the phone is moving within your car. If it gets over a certain speed limit, the phone becomes deactivated.
Your best bet is something I started doing as well, is just put the phone out of reach.
However long it takes you to get home, most of those calls, those emails, those texts, they can wait. It`s a good way to try and live to 100.
According to textinganddrivingsafety.com, our eyes are off the road for at least five seconds whenever we text and drive. So, at 55 miles per hour, it`s like driving the length of the football field without looking.
A significant majority of American High School Students have phones. Because of them probably want to live to be 100, Dr. Gupta is making some calls.
DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Texting and driving is one of these real concerns that we can actually do something about. We know for example every year, there are around 100,000 texting while driving accidents.
When you`re texting and driving, your reaction time decreases, your concentration decreases. Some people have likened to driving with a blood alcohol level of 0.08.
Just like they say -- you don`t let friends drive drunk, you don`t let friends drive while texting either.
There are various state laws in place to limit texting and driving. Obviously, there are traffic tickets that are being given.
There`s also been some really interesting technologies, everything from automatic replies from your phone if someone is calling or texting or emailing you, to even devices that will monitor how fast the phone is moving within your car. If it gets over a certain speed limit, the phone becomes deactivated.
Your best bet is something I started doing as well, is just put the phone out of reach.
However long it takes you to get home, most of those calls, those emails, those texts, they can wait. It`s a good way to try and live to 100.