HW. With the BBC news.
EU member states are considering an appeal by the European commission president to share out tens of thousands of refugees. In Denmark, trains to and from Germany are to resume after the peaceful resolution of a standoff between police and migrants insisted on heading straight to Sweden to register for asylum there. Chris Morris is following events. There is going to be a huge effort to create unity not least because the alternative isn't in effect. Political leaders are meeting, they lost control and no politician left to do that. Just look at the events today, more chaos in Greece, motorways closed in Hungary again, rail services suspended between Germany and Denmark. All beacuse migrants are on the move. I think the sheer scale of the problem is really concentrating minds. So get back to the question about what the pace the politics can keep up with the pace of events on the ground.
Another ferry has left the Greek island of Lesbos packed with refugees. Our correspondent F is traveling with the migrants. The refugees left Lesbos shortly after four o'clock this morning. There are two and a half thousands refugees on board, most of them Syrians or Afghans. All around on the ground I can see families sleep with their children, young single men, some of them playing cards. Most people who came aboard would sleep winthin minutes after their arrival. It will take this ship 12 hours to reach out Athens. At that point, people will begin their journey into the rest of the Europe.
Meanwhile the Hungarian has started military exercises to prepare for a possible future role guarding the country's southern border to prevent the entry of asylum-seekers. It's already building a barrier along its border with Serbia.
A worldwide group of scientists and ethics experts says researchers should be allowed to undertake the genetic modification of early stage human embryos. In their report, the Hinxton Group says genome editing technique could allow biologists to discover more about the mechanics of life. Here is F. Genome editing has become one of the fastest developing areas in science. Researchers can now create synthetic molecules which are able to scan the DNA inside the nucleus cells and sneak out sections. Hinxton group thinks the potential is huge from helping to improve understanding of the genetic bases of disease to perhaps giving the means to treat it. But this area is controversial. The US federal government has already refused to fund any gene editing of embryos.
世界范围的科学家和伦理学专家称研究人员应该被允许承担早期的人类基因改造。在他们的报告中,Hinxton团体称基因组编辑技术可以使生物学家发现更多关于生命的力学。F. Genome为您播报。基因组编辑技术已经成为科技领域发展最快的技术之一。研究人员现在可以创建合成分子能够扫描细胞核内的DNA细胞并将其从断层中分离出来。工作组认为这一技术可以帮助改善以基因为基础疾病的理解,从而可能会产生治疗的手段存在着巨大潜力。但这一领域也存在着争议。美国联邦政府已经拒绝将基金用于任何基因编辑胚胎的技术上。
After weeks of protests the government in Lebanon has finally agreed a plan to resume the collection of rubbish, months of foul smelling waste piled out in the streets of the capital Beirut. A symptom of the political paralysis which has left the country without a president for more than a year.
World news from the BBC.
There have been mixed signals in the latest economic figures released by China, inflation rose last month fueled mainly by higher food prices. But drops in the cost of commodities left to a sharp decrease in the produce of price index. The August fall of almost 6 percent which is the steepest recorded since the depth of the global financial crisis in 2009.
A senior executive in a Chinese stated owned steel company has been sacked for breaching communist pary rules on frugality. Zhao Kun, vice general manager of Baosteel group broke discipline by drinking alcohol, playing golf and accepting boxes of cigars from his subordinates.
More than 30 judges in Ghana due to apparent from a panel investigating allegations of corruption. The judges are accused of bribe taking and extortion. The inquiry follows two years investigation by a reporter who says he handed over nearly 500 hours of video evidence. A managing partner with Ghana's largest law firm says people will be interested to see how the affairs are handled. They did something about bribery over the years, its parties were by the judges so the judiciary we have is a reflectional the society that we have. They have not explosure. Their confidence will soar if they are going to see what happens to these judges.
The government of Ecuador has started proceedings to shut down the country's one remaining press freedom group. The communications ministry said Fundamedios broke a new media law by twitting inks to blogs and articles critical of the government.
Engineers in Brition have developed three dimentional barcodes that could be embedded in pills to help stop the spread of counterfeit drugs because it's made up of the unique combination of tiny inprints which can be moulded onto individual tablets of medication there then deciphered by a scaner that reads the dents using beams of light.
BBC news.
HW. With the BBC news.
EU member states are considering an appeal by the European commission president to share out tens of thousands of refugees. In Denmark, trains to and from Germany are to resume after the peaceful resolution of a standoff between police and migrants insisted on heading straight to Sweden to register for asylum there. Chris Morris is following events. There is going to be a huge effort to create unity not least because the alternative isn't in effect. Political leaders are meeting, they lost control and no politician left to do that. Just look at the events today, more chaos in Greece, motorways closed in Hungary again, rail services suspended between Germany and Denmark. All beacuse migrants are on the move. I think the sheer scale of the problem is really concentrating minds. So get back to the question about what the pace the politics can keep up with the pace of events on the ground.
Another ferry has left the Greek island of Lesbos packed with refugees. Our correspondent F is traveling with the migrants. The refugees left Lesbos shortly after four o'clock this morning. There are two and a half thousands refugees on board, most of them Syrians or Afghans. All around on the ground I can see families sleep with their children, young single men, some of them playing cards. Most people who came aboard would sleep winthin minutes after their arrival. It will take this ship 12 hours to reach out Athens. At that point, people will begin their journey into the rest of the Europe.
Meanwhile the Hungarian has started military exercises to prepare for a possible future role guarding the country's southern border to prevent the entry of asylum-seekers. It's already building a barrier along its border with Serbia.
A worldwide group of scientists and ethics experts says researchers should be allowed to undertake the genetic modification of early stage human embryos. In their report, the Hinxton Group says genome editing technique could allow biologists to discover more about the mechanics of life. Here is F. Genome editing has become one of the fastest developing areas in science. Researchers can now create synthetic molecules which are able to scan the DNA inside the nucleus cells and sneak out sections. Hinxton group thinks the potential is huge from helping to improve understanding of the genetic bases of disease to perhaps giving the means to treat it. But this area is controversial. The US federal government has already refused to fund any gene editing of embryos.
After weeks of protests the government in Lebanon has finally agreed a plan to resume the collection of rubbish, months of foul smelling waste piled out in the streets of the capital Beirut. A symptom of the political paralysis which has left the country without a president for more than a year.
World news from the BBC.
There have been mixed signals in the latest economic figures released by China, inflation rose last month fueled mainly by higher food prices. But drops in the cost of commodities left to a sharp decrease in the produce of price index. The August fall of almost 6 percent which is the steepest recorded since the depth of the global financial crisis in 2009.
A senior executive in a Chinese stated owned steel company has been sacked for breaching communist pary rules on frugality. Zhao Kun, vice general manager of Baosteel group broke discipline by drinking alcohol, playing golf and accepting boxes of cigars from his subordinates.
More than 30 judges in Ghana due to apparent from a panel investigating allegations of corruption. The judges are accused of bribe taking and extortion. The inquiry follows two years investigation by a reporter who says he handed over nearly 500 hours of video evidence. A managing partner with Ghana's largest law firm says people will be interested to see how the affairs are handled. They did something about bribery over the years, its parties were by the judges so the judiciary we have is a reflectional the society that we have. They have not explosure. Their confidence will soar if they are going to see what happens to these judges.
The government of Ecuador has started proceedings to shut down the country's one remaining press freedom group. The communications ministry said Fundamedios broke a new media law by twitting inks to blogs and articles critical of the government.
Engineers in Brition have developed three dimentional barcodes that could be embedded in pills to help stop the spread of counterfeit drugs because it's made up of the unique combination of tiny inprints which can be moulded onto individual tablets of medication there then deciphered by a scaner that reads the dents using beams of light.
BBC news.