Hello I am Julie Cantler with the BBC news.
您好,朱丽叶 凯特勒 为您播报BBC新闻。
Saudi Arabia says more than 700 people are now known to have died in the crush of the annual haji pilgrimage. About 800 others have been injured. The disaster at Mina, on the outskirts of Mecca, is the worst of the haji in 25 years. The Saudi Health minister H has blamed the tragedy on worshipers' failing to obey instructions. The accident was a stampede caused by overcrowding and also caused by some of the pilgrims not following the instructions of the security under haji ministry. Iran, Saudi Arabia's biggest regional rival, has accused Saudi of not providing adequate security. The head of Iran's haji organization S accused the security services of mismanagement. Unfortunately for unknown reasons, security officers closed off one route. There was limited space for the pilgrims, and due to the large crowd, many pilgrims from various countries were unfortunately pressed together.
沙特阿拉伯表示目前已有700多人死于今年哈吉朝圣的踩踏事件。另有大约800人受伤。麦加郊区米娜的惨案, ,是哈吉25年来最严重的一次。沙特卫生部长将悲剧归咎于信徒不能遵守指令上。踩踏事件是由过度拥挤和一些朝圣者不遵循安全的指示造成的。沙特阿拉伯最大的区域竞争对手伊朗,指责沙特没有提供足够的安全措施。伊朗的哈吉组织指责安全服务管理不善。不幸的是由于未知的原因,安全官员关闭了一个路线。朝圣者活动空间受到限制,由于大量的来自不同国家的朝圣者造成的拥挤,他们不幸的挤在了一起。
Pope Fransis had become the first head of the Roman Catholic church to address a joint session of US Congress. In a wide ranging speech, punctuated by a regular burst of applause, Pope Fransis called for greater cooperation to confront fundamentally statues and a world beset by violent conflict. He also spoke of the need to protect human rights. And then came violence, is required to combat the violence perpetrating in the name of our religion, and an eurology or any economic assistance, why also save ireligious freedom, in direct freedom and individual freedoms.
弗朗西斯教皇成为第一个在美国国会联席会议上发表讲话的罗马天主教会首脑。在演讲过程中,掌声不断, 弗朗西斯教皇呼吁通过加强合作来面对基本问题和由暴力冲突引起的世界性问题。他还谈到了需要保护人权。然后又谈到暴力,称其需要在宗教的名义下打击暴力犯罪。或任何经济援助。他还提到了为什么还保存宗教自由,直接自由和个人自由。
The German Chancellor Angela Merkell has warned the migrant crisis is far from being resolved. She told German parliament that measures agreed this week by EU leaders was a first step. Mrs Merkell has been meeting the country's regional leaders to discuss how to pay for the care of hundreds of thousands of migrants who arrived in Germany.
Fresh protests have broken out in parts of Southern Nepal over the country's new constitution which was opted on Sunday. S reports from one town on the Indian border. Protestors have blocked a major border crossing into Nepal from India at B, effectively shutting off the country's main supply line. Hundreds of riot police have been deployed and have used tear gas to try to break up the protests. Several hundreds of trucks are struck at the border, many carrying essential supplies from India into Nepal. The protestor who belonged to ethnic group S in southern plains, say that the new constitution marginalizes them.
尼泊尔南部的部分地区针对周日商讨的新国家宪法爆发了新的抗议活动。S从印度边境城市发来报道。抗议者阻塞了从印度边境进入尼泊尔的主要路口,有效地关闭切断了该国的主要运输线。为了驱散抗议调用了数百名防暴警察并使用了催泪瓦斯。几百辆卡车到达了边境, 许多卡车上装载着从印度运往尼泊尔的必需品。所属南部平原某组织的一名抗议者说,新宪法边缘化。
World news from the BBC.
The German transport minister says Volks Wagon has admitted that cars it sold in Europe were among those whose pollution tests were manipulated. The minister said Volks Wagon cars with 1.6 and 2.0 liter diesel engines were among those affected. Volks Wagons's head office said they hope to provide detailed information about the affected models on Friday.
德国交通部长表示,大众汽车已承认在欧洲销售的汽车是那些污染测试操在污染测试中受控制的汽车。部长表示, 问题车主要是那些1.6和2.0升柴油发动机的大众汽车。大众汽车总部说他们希望能在周五提供受影响车型的详细信息。
At least 25 people have died in an attack at a mosque at Yemeni capital S. Witnesses of M say an explosion ripped through the B mosque which is controlled by Shiah H rebels. Islamic state group which regards Shiah Muslims as heroic says they carried out the bombing.
The campaign group Human Rights Watch says the Ruwanda authorities are arbitrarily arresting some of the country's most vulnerable people, and holding them in unofficial detention center. In a new report, it says street vendors, beggars and sex workers are being held in a former warehouse. At times, up to 4 hundred people are kept there the report says. The Ruwanda government says the building is a transit center where drug addicts and others have been rehabilitated.
Italian archeologist has uncovered fragments of bone which may have belonged to Leonardo De Vinci's model for the Monalisa. Researchers have spent years exhuming and testing remains in the city of Florance, dating back 5 centuries. Historians believe that the woman depicted by Leonardo De Vinci may have been Lisa G, the wife of a silk merchant. G died in Florance in 1542. The scientists said one set remains probably belonged to Lisa G, but the remains have degraded too far for DNA tests, so all they really have are a few showers of bone, which may or may not have belonged to the woman who may or may not have posed for Leonardo. Five century's honor the Monalisa holds on to her remaining mysteries.
BBC news.
Hello I am Julie Cantler with the BBC news.
Saudi Arabia says more than 700 people are now known to have died in the crush of the annual haji pilgrimage. About 800 others have been injured. The disaster at Mina, on the outskirts of Mecca, is the worst of the haji in 25 years. The Saudi Health minister H has blamed the tragedy on worshipers' failing to obey instructions. The accident was a stampede caused by overcrowding and also caused by some of the pilgrims not following the instructions of the security under haji ministry. Iran, Saudi Arabia's biggest regional rival, has accused Saudi of not providing adequate security. The head of Iran's haji organization S accused the security services of mismanagement. Unfortunately for unknown reasons, security officers closed off one route. There was limited space for the pilgrims, and due to the large crowd, many pilgrims from various countries were unfortunately pressed together.
Pope Fransis had become the first head of the Roman Catholic church to address a joint session of US Congress. In a wide ranging speech, punctuated by a regular burst of applause, Pope Fransis called for greater cooperation to confront fundamentally statues and a world beset by violent conflict. He also spoke of the need to protect human rights. And then came violence, is required to combat the violence perpetrating in the name of our religion, and an eurology or any economic assistance, why also save ireligious freedom, in direct freedom and individual freedoms.
The German Chancellor Angela Merkell has warned the migrant crisis is far from being resolved. She told German parliament that measures agreed this week by EU leaders was a first step. Mrs Merkell has been meeting the country's regional leaders to discuss how to pay for the care of hundreds of thousands of migrants who arrived in Germany.
Fresh protests have broken out in parts of Southern Nepal over the country's new constitution which was opted on Sunday. S reports from one town on the Indian border. Protestors have blocked a major border crossing into Nepal from India at B, effectively shutting off the country's main supply line. Hundreds of riot police have been deployed and have used tear gas to try to break up the protests. Several hundreds of trucks are struck at the border, many carrying essential supplies from India into Nepal. The protestor who belonged to ethnic group S in southern plains, say that the new constitution marginalizes them.
World news from the BBC.
The German transport minister says Volks Wagon has admitted that cars it sold in Europe were among those whose pollution tests were manipulated. The minister said Volks Wagon cars with 1.6 and 2.0 liter diesel engines were among those affected. Volks Wagons's head office said they hope to provide detailed information about the affected models on Friday.
At least 25 people have died in an attack at a mosque at Yemeni capital S. Witnesses of M say an explosion ripped through the B mosque which is controlled by Shiah H rebels. Islamic state group which regards Shiah Muslims as heroic says they carried out the bombing.
The campaign group Human Rights Watch says the Ruwanda authorities are arbitrarily arresting some of the country's most vulnerable people, and holding them in unofficial detention center. In a new report, it says street vendors, beggars and sex workers are being held in a former warehouse. At times, up to 4 hundred people are kept there the report says. The Ruwanda government says the building is a transit center where drug addicts and others have been rehabilitated.
Italian archeologist has uncovered fragments of bone which may have belonged to Leonardo De Vinci's model for the Monalisa. Researchers have spent years exhuming and testing remains in the city of Florance, dating back 5 centuries. Historians believe that the woman depicted by Leonardo De Vinci may have been Lisa G, the wife of a silk merchant. G died in Florance in 1542. The scientists said one set remains probably belonged to Lisa G, but the remains have degraded too far for DNA tests, so all they really have are a few showers of bone, which may or may not have belonged to the woman who may or may not have posed for Leonardo. Five century's honor the Monalisa holds on to her remaining mysteries.
BBC news.