Hello I am John Jason with the BBC news.
Hungary has summoned the Austrian ambassador as a row over a treatment of migrants deepens. The Hungarian foreign minister has deplored comments made by the Austrian chancellor who draw parallels between Budapest's treatment of refugees as Nazi Germany's treatment of Jews. Bethonen Bell reports from Vienna. Austria's criticism of Hungary is getting harsher. Chancellor Fayman told Dash B that stinky refugees and trains sending them somewhere completely different from what they thought they were going, reminded him the darkest period of European history. His words were a refernce to Nazi deportations during the second world war. Hungary has reacted angrily. The foreign minister Pat Seattle said Mr. Fayman's remarks were unworthy of a 21th century European leader. Mr. Fayman, he said, has been pursuing a campaign of lies against Hungary for weeks.
匈牙利因不断发展的移民问题会见了奥地利大使。匈牙利外交部长谴责了由奥地利总理,认为他在布达佩斯对待难民的方式与纳粹德国对犹太人的方式十分相似。贝休恩贝利从维也纳发来报道。奥地利对匈牙利的批评变得越发尖锐。费曼总理告诉达什那些散发着恶臭的难民被火车送去的地方和难民所期待的地方完全不一样,这让他想起了欧洲最黑暗的那段时期。他的言语中所指的便是二战时纳粹驱逐犹太人的事件。匈牙利表现的十分恼怒。外交部长帕特西雅图认为费曼先生说的话不配做一个21世纪的欧洲领导人。,他说, 费曼先生在这几周一直在竞选中用谎言对付匈牙利。
The UN has called more money from the International community to boost severely under funded programs to aid displaced people in Syria. The appeal came from the UN humanitarian coordinator in Syria, Y J. Allan Johnson reports. Mr. J said the fighting in Syria had already displaced a million people this year, and he believes that if the violence keeps escalating, another million will be forced from their homes by Christmas. He said without a hope to the bloodshed, the escalats from Syria would continue and Europe would face a refugee situation comparable to that which followed world war II. Mr. Dr also appeal for help for severely under funded aid programs, that have tried to sustain Syrians in their country wherever possible.
The German foreign minister F says a significant progress has been made in talks with Russian, Ukraine and French counterpart about the conflict in East Ukraine. Mr. S said all parties reaffirmed the ceasefire which has held for almost two weeks needed to be consolidated. He said that further talks are needed about the details withdrawing heavy and light colored weapons.
King Sauman of Saudi Arabia has visited the grand mask in Mecca where more than a hundred people lost their lives when a crane collapsed on Friday. The King promised to investigate the reasons of the accident, which took place during high winds and rain. I came today to check what happened, and how it happened, and to be with the citizens during the time. Macca and Madina are more important to us than anywhere else in the world. We will work to investigate the causes of the accident, and then announce to the citizens all of the facts. God willing. Worshipers were allowed back into the complex on Saturday, parts of there remain closed in door. Officials say the large pilgrimage which take place later this month will go ahead.
World news from the BBC.
The Columbian foreign minister Malian and Venesule counterpart a meeting in attempt to find solution for the diplomatic crisis. That began when border Columbian were closed nearly a month ago as part of anti smuggling operation. Columbia critisize Venuzula unilateral decision and both countries have since recalled their ambassadors for consultations.
哥伦比亚外交部长Malian和Venesule 在会议上试图找到解决外交危机的方案。作为反走私活动的一部分边境已经关闭近一个月了。哥伦比亚对委内瑞拉做出的单方面决定表示抗议,这两个国家已经召回了大使进行磋商。
US and China officials have been in four days of talks, prepared to the visit to the Washington later this month of the Chinese president Xi Jinping. The White House said the discussions have covered a number of areas including cyber security. This has been a divisive issue America accusing Chinese hackers of attacks on US computers. Beijing denies any involvement.
Travia Panato has beat her compatriot C to win the all A final of the US open women's tennis championship. Having won her first grand slam title at her 49th attempt, Panato said she retiring from the sport. Before I started T like a month ago, I was, I think a big decision on my life, and this is the way I would like to say Goodbye to tennis. Rebert on Friday thwarted Williams attempt to win all four majors in the same year, also said she was hanging up her tennis rackets.
Travia Panato在打败C后赢得美国公开赛的决赛女子网球冠军。这是49次尝试后,赢得的第一个大满贯冠军,Panato说她将退役。大概在我开始一个月前,我曾认为这对我的人生一个重大的决定,我想要一这种方式告别网球。周五罗伯特挫败威廉姆斯试图赢得所有四个专业同年,还说她将要把网球牌挂起来。
One of the leaders of the Voodoo religion in Haiti, M died at the age of 79. After earning a degree of biochemistry in Paris, Mr. B returned to Haiti to train as Voodoo priest on the death of his father. He became supreme servant of Voodoo in 2008, and encouraged a wider knowledge of his religion by opening his temple to foreign visitors for major ceremonies. Voodoo which combines witch crops, the elements of Christian ritual, was brought to Haiti by African slaves.
BBC news.
Hello I am John Jason with the BBC news.
Hungary has summoned the Austrian ambassador as a row over a treatment of migrants deepens. The Hungarian foreign minister has deplored comments made by the Austrian chancellor who draw parallels between Budapest's treatment of refugees as Nazi Germany's treatment of Jews. Bethonen Bell reports from Vienna. Austria's criticism of Hungary is getting harsher. Chancellor Fayman told Dash B that stinky refugees and trains sending them somewhere completely different from what they thought they were going, reminded him the darkest period of European history. His words were a refernce to Nazi deportations during the second world war. Hungary has reacted angrily. The foreign minister Pat Seattle said Mr. Fayman's remarks were unworthy of a 21th century European leader. Mr. Fayman, he said, has been pursuing a campaign of lies against Hungary for weeks.
The UN has called more money from the International community to boost severely under funded programs to aid displaced people in Syria. The appeal came from the UN humanitarian coordinator in Syria, Y J. Allan Johnson reports. Mr. J said the fighting in Syria had already displaced a million people this year, and he believes that if the violence keeps escalating, another million will be forced from their homes by Christmas. He said without a hope to the bloodshed, the escalats from Syria would continue and Europe would face a refugee situation comparable to that which followed world war II. Mr. Dr also appeal for help for severely under funded aid programs, that have tried to sustain Syrians in their country wherever possible.
The German foreign minister F says a significant progress has been made in talks with Russian, Ukraine and French counterpart about the conflict in East Ukraine. Mr. S said all parties reaffirmed the ceasefire which has held for almost two weeks needed to be consolidated. He said that further talks are needed about the details withdrawing heavy and light colored weapons.
King Sauman of Saudi Arabia has visited the grand mask in Mecca where more than a hundred people lost their lives when a crane collapsed on Friday. The King promised to investigate the reasons of the accident, which took place during high winds and rain. I came today to check what happened, and how it happened, and to be with the citizens during the time. Macca and Madina are more important to us than anywhere else in the world. We will work to investigate the causes of the accident, and then announce to the citizens all of the facts. God willing. Worshipers were allowed back into the complex on Saturday, parts of there remain closed in door. Officials say the large pilgrimage which take place later this month will go ahead.
World news from the BBC.
The Columbian foreign minister Malian and Venesule counterpart a meeting in attempt to find solution for the diplomatic crisis. That began when border Columbian were closed nearly a month ago as part of anti smuggling operation. Columbia critisize Venuzula unilateral decision and both countries have since recalled their ambassadors for consultations.
US and China officials have been in four days of talks, prepared to the visit to the Washington later this month of the Chinese president Xi Jinping. The White House said the discussions have covered a number of areas including cyber security. This has been a divisive issue America accusing Chinese hackers of attacks on US computers. Beijing denies any involvement.
Travia Panato has beat her compatriot C to win the all A final of the US open women's tennis championship. Having won her first grand slam title at her 49th attempt, Panato said she retiring from the sport. Before I started T like a month ago, I was, I think a big decision on my life, and this is the way I would like to say Goodbye to tennis. Rebert on Friday thwarted Williams attempt to win all four majors in the same year, also said she was hanging up her tennis rackets.
One of the leaders of the Voodoo religion in Haiti, M died at the age of 79. After earning a degree of biochemistry in Paris, Mr. B returned to Haiti to train as Voodoo priest on the death of his father. He became supreme servant of Voodoo in 2008, and encouraged a wider knowledge of his religion by opening his temple to foreign visitors for major ceremonies. Voodoo which combines witch crops, the elements of Christian ritual, was brought to Haiti by African slaves.
BBC news.