Violence in another part of the Middle East. Dozens of civilians were killed and hundreds were wounded last night in the capital of Lebanon, www.chinavoa.com when two suicide bombers detonated their explosives in a crowded part of Beirut. Lebanon`s prime minister declared a today a day of mourning.
There are reports that the ISIS terrorist group is saying it`s responsible for the attack. But officials can`t say for sure yet whether that claim is authentic.
On August 8, 2012, U.S. Army Captain Florent Groberg was guarding military leaders as they walked down a street in Afghanistan. They were approached by a man who was hiding something in his clothes. Captain Groberg and another soldier rushed in to push the man away from their patrol, and he set off his explosives. Then, a second suicide bomber appeared and detonated, killing four other U.S. Soldiers.
2012年,8月8日,军事领导人沿着阿富汗街道行走,美国陆军上尉Florent Groberg守卫其侧。一名男子衣藏某物的男子靠近他们。Florent Groberg和另外一名士兵冲过来把这名男子推离巡逻队。而男子引爆了炸弹。之后,第二次自杀炸弹引爆,导致另外4名美国士兵死亡。
Captain Groberg survived, but he needed 33 surgeries to keep his leg. His heroism is why President Obama presented him with the Medal of Honor yesterday, the U.S. military`s highest decoration. The now retired Army captain is the tenth living person to receive the Medal of Honor for action in Afghanistan.
Violence in another part of the Middle East. Dozens of civilians were killed and hundreds were wounded last night in the capital of Lebanon, when two suicide bombers detonated their explosives in a crowded part of Beirut. Lebanon`s prime minister declared a today a day of mourning.
There are reports that the ISIS terrorist group is saying it`s responsible for the attack. But officials can`t say for sure yet whether that claim is authentic.
On August 8, 2012, U.S. Army Captain Florent Groberg was guarding military leaders as they walked down a street in Afghanistan. They were approached by a man who was hiding something in his clothes. Captain Groberg and another soldier rushed in to push the man away from their patrol, and he set off his explosives. Then, a second suicide bomber appeared and detonated, killing four other U.S. soldiers.
Captain Groberg survived, but he needed 33 surgeries to keep his leg. His heroism is why President Obama presented him with the Medal of Honor yesterday, the U.S. military`s highest decoration. The now retired Army captain is the tenth living person to receive the Medal of Honor for action in Afghanistan.