Hello, I'm Jerry Smit with the BBC News.
The UN Security Council has agreed to start work immediately on drawing up newsanctions against North Korea following its claim to have tested a hydrogenbomb. There is skepticism that Pyongyang's latest nuclear test, the fourth in adecade, was powerful enough to have been a hydrogen device. From Washington,here is Aleem Maqbool. “The White House says initial analysis is not consistentwith the North Korean claims it tested a hydrogen bomb. Nevertheless, itscondemnation of whatever nuclear test might have taken place was unequivocal.The UN Security Council held an emergency meeting when members said Pyongyanghad threatened world peace. The Council resolved to come up with strongmeasures to deter North Korea in the future.”
The Governor of California Jerry Brown has declared a state of emergency inresponse to a major methane gas leak that has forced thousands of people fromtheir homes on the outskirts of Los Angeles. Peter Bowes reports from LA. “Thenatural gas leak has been going on since October. It stems from a vast underground storage field in Porter Ranch on the outskirts of Los Angeles.Local people have complained about headaches, nausea, vomiting and dizziness,although health officials have said the gas is not toxic. According to theSouthern California Gas Company which owns the storage facility, the leak hasbeen traced to a steel pipeline more than 1,000 meters under the ground.”
The US Defense Department says that two Yemeni detainees held in its prisonfacility in Guantanamo have been transferred to Ghana. They are the firstGuantanamo inmates to be relocated to Sub-Saharan Africa. Enn Buzby reports. “ThePentagon said one detainee Khalid al-Dhuby was approved for release ten yearsago and the other Mahmud Umar Bin Atef in 2009. But they couldn't leaveuntil a stable country was found to receive them. Although neither man has everbeen charged with any crime, they aren't allowed to return to Yemen. TheForeign Ministry in Ghana said it is the request of the US government that it agreesto take in the men for a period of two years. It said their activities would bemonitored.”
Officials in Libya say shelling by Islamic State militia of two main oilterminals has sparked fires that have spread to giant storage tanks. Fires aresaid to be raging in Es Sider and Ras Lanuf near the city ofBenghazi. Libya's National Oil Company said ten security guards had been killedand forty injured since Monday.
The man accused of buying the guns used in the deadly shooting in San Bernadinoin California last month has pleaded not guilty to terrorism charges. Fourteenpeople were killed in the attack on a social center by Syed Farook and his wifeTashfeen Malik. Enrique Marquez was a friend of Farook and a Muslim convert.The FBI says he admitted planning other mass shootings with Farook, but nevercarried them out. He faces up to fifty years in prison if convicted. Worldnews from the BBC.
Qatar has become the latest country to show its support for Saudi Arabia in itsdispute with Iran by withdrawing its ambassador to Tehran. Kuwait, Bahrain,Sudan and Djibouti have already cut or reduced their diplomatic ties with Iranin the continuing fallout from the Saudi's execution of a prominent Shiitecleric. This was followed by a violent protest against the Saudi Embassy in theIranian capital.
The World Bank has said that there would be global economic growth this year,but it forecasts that it would be modest and held back by weakness in manyemerging economies. Brag Schisger Ernzoger is one of the authors of the WorldBank report. “This is the key risk to global growth in 2016, in our view, thata number of emerging markets, not just one, but a number of large emergingmarkets, slow at the same time. And we estimate, for example, that 1% declinein BRICS growth, with slow growth in other emerging markets by 0.8%, andpossibly global growth by 0.4%.”
During its first full session in control of the Venezuelan Congress, theopposition has defied the Supreme Court swearing in three of its memberssuspended for alleged election irregularities. The move gives the opposition atwo-thirds majority which could eventually clear the way for a referendum onwhether the Socialist President Nicolas Maduro should remain in office.
The President of Haiti Michel Martelly has said his country's delayedpresidential runoff election will now take place on January 24. It waspostponed last month to allow investigations into alleged vote rigging inOctober's first round, which gave the lead to the government backed candidate.
The video streaming site Netflix says it's now available in nearly everycountry in the world. The firm announced it has switched on its service in 190countries including India, but not China. BBC News.
Hello, I'm Jerry Smit with the BBC News.
The UN Security Council has agreed to start work immediately on drawing up newsanctions against North Korea following its claim to have tested a hydrogenbomb. There is skepticism that Pyongyang's latest nuclear test, the fourth in adecade, was powerful enough to have been a hydrogen device. From Washington,here is Aleem Maqbool. “The White House says initial analysis is not consistentwith the North Korean claims it tested a hydrogen bomb. Nevertheless, itscondemnation of whatever nuclear test might have taken place was unequivocal.The UN Security Council held an emergency meeting when members said Pyongyanghad threatened world peace. The Council resolved to come up with strongmeasures to deter North Korea in the future.”
The Governor of California Jerry Brown has declared a state of emergency inresponse to a major methane gas leak that has forced thousands of people fromtheir homes on the outskirts of Los Angeles. Peter Bowes reports from LA. “Thenatural gas leak has been going on since October. It stems from a vast underground storage field in Porter Ranch on the outskirts of Los Angeles.Local people have complained about headaches, nausea, vomiting and dizziness,although health officials have said the gas is not toxic. According to theSouthern California Gas Company which owns the storage facility, the leak hasbeen traced to a steel pipeline more than 1,000 meters under the ground.”
The US Defense Department says that two Yemeni detainees held in its prisonfacility in Guantanamo have been transferred to Ghana. They are the firstGuantanamo inmates to be relocated to Sub-Saharan Africa. Enn Buzby reports. “ThePentagon said one detainee Khalid al-Dhuby was approved for release ten yearsago and the other Mahmud Umar Bin Atef in 2009. But they couldn't leaveuntil a stable country was found to receive them. Although neither man has everbeen charged with any crime, they aren't allowed to return to Yemen. TheForeign Ministry in Ghana said it is the request of the US government that it agreesto take in the men for a period of two years. It said their activities would bemonitored.”
Officials in Libya say shelling by Islamic State militia of two main oilterminals has sparked fires that have spread to giant storage tanks. Fires aresaid to be raging in Es Sider and Ras Lanuf near the city ofBenghazi. Libya's National Oil Company said ten security guards had been killedand forty injured since Monday.
The man accused of buying the guns used in the deadly shooting in San Bernadinoin California last month has pleaded not guilty to terrorism charges. Fourteenpeople were killed in the attack on a social center by Syed Farook and his wifeTashfeen Malik. Enrique Marquez was a friend of Farook and a Muslim convert.The FBI says he admitted planning other mass shootings with Farook, but nevercarried them out. He faces up to fifty years in prison if convicted. Worldnews from the BBC.
Qatar has become the latest country to show its support for Saudi Arabia in itsdispute with Iran by withdrawing its ambassador to Tehran. Kuwait, Bahrain,Sudan and Djibouti have already cut or reduced their diplomatic ties with Iranin the continuing fallout from the Saudi's execution of a prominent Shiitecleric. This was followed by a violent protest against the Saudi Embassy in theIranian capital.
The World Bank has said that there would be global economic growth this year,but it forecasts that it would be modest and held back by weakness in manyemerging economies. Brag Schisger Ernzoger is one of the authors of the WorldBank report. “This is the key risk to global growth in 2016, in our view, thata number of emerging markets, not just one, but a number of large emergingmarkets, slow at the same time. And we estimate, for example, that 1% declinein BRICS growth, with slow growth in other emerging markets by 0.8%, andpossibly global growth by 0.4%.”
During its first full session in control of the Venezuelan Congress, theopposition has defied the Supreme Court swearing in three of its memberssuspended for alleged election irregularities. The move gives the opposition atwo-thirds majority which could eventually clear the way for a referendum onwhether the Socialist President Nicolas Maduro should remain in office.
The President of Haiti Michel Martelly has said his country's delayedpresidential runoff election will now take place on January 24. It waspostponed last month to allow investigations into alleged vote rigging inOctober's first round, which gave the lead to the government backed candidate.
The video streaming site Netflix says it's now available in nearly everycountry in the world. The firm announced it has switched on its service in 190countries including India, but not China. BBC News.