BBC News:美国联邦政府驳回27州气候变化的协议
教程:2016年01月BBC新闻听力  浏览:1179  
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    Hello, I'm Justin Grain with the BBC News.


    One of key suspects in the murder in London of Alexander Litvinenko the former Russian spy has told the BBC he had nothing to do with his death by poisoning 10 years ago. A British inquiry has concluded that President Putin probably approved the assassination of Mr. Litvinenko. But the suspect Andrei Lugovoi called this nonsense. He also said the inquiry was nothing more than invention, supposition and rumors, as Sarah Rainsford reports from Moscow. “Asked of the telling trail of radioactive polonium that he left across London, Andrei Lugovoi claimed that was laid by the British intelligence agents in a bid to implicate him and to blacken the image of Russia. Just like the Kremlin spokesman and Russia's Foreign Ministry, his tone in referring to the Litvinenko inquiry was defiant, even mocking. When asked if he was prepared to appear in court in the UK to prove his innocence, Mr. Lugovoi said there was more chance of the moon becoming part of the earth than of him being extradited. That, he said, is impossible.” The British government accused Moscow of committing an unacceptable breach of international law. But Russian officials described the inquiry's findings as a gross provocation that would worsen ties with Britain.

    前俄罗斯特工亚历山大利特维年科谋杀案主犯之一,在接受采访时,告诉BBC自己与10年前的投毒案没有任何关系。据英国方面调查,俄罗斯总统普京可能批准了此次刺杀活动。但是嫌疑犯安德烈·卢戈沃伊称这是无稽之谈。他说,此次调查结果仅仅是干涉、猜疑和谣言。请听Sarah Rainsford从莫斯科为您带回的报道。“当被问及放射性元素钋的痕迹时,卢戈沃伊称,钋是英国情报人员放的,目的是使自己受到前两,诋毁俄罗斯的形象。就如克里姆林宫发言人和俄罗斯外交部所述,安德烈对案件的调查结果表示不满,甚至带有嘲笑的口吻。卢戈沃伊称,月球成为地球的概率要远高于引渡英国的概率。并表示这完全不可能。英国政府谴责莫斯科违背国际法。但俄国官员认为此调查结果实为挑衅行为,并将损害两国关系。

    The Tunisian Prime Minister Habib Essid has cut short a European tour to return to the country after another day of clashes between security forces and protesters demanding jobs. The demonstrations began this week in the town of Kasserine and spread to other cities. Rana Jawad is in Tunisia. “On Thursday night,security officials and local media said two neighborhoods in the capital Tunis were rocked by protests and public disorder. They say some people vandalized and tried to loot some shops there prompting the National Guard to intervene.One town in the south of the country saw two police stations and seven police cars set ablaze by demonstrators according to the Ministry of Interior. The state says it needs more time to reverse a long legacy of high unemployment rates in the country.”

    在安全部队和失业民众发生冲突一天之后,突尼斯总理埃西德缩短了欧洲行程,回到国内。示威人群于本周在卡塞林镇举行示威行动,示威行动迅猛蔓延到其他城市。请听Rana Jawad从突尼斯为您发回的报道。“周四晚上,安全官员和其他媒体称首都突尼斯附近两个街区发生抗议活动,秩序很混乱。他们还表示,有些人破坏并试图抢劫商店促使国民警卫队进行干预。据报道,其中西南部的一个小镇里,两所警察局和七辆警车被示威人员放火烧毁。官方称需要一段时间来扭转本国高失业率的局面。”

    At least nine people, including six policemen, have been killed by a bomb during a raid on a militant hideout in the Egyptian capital Cairo. More than 13others were injured. This local resident, Mahmud Abu Bahad, described what he'd heard and seen. “We heard a sound of explosion. When we ran outside, we could see nothing but a dense cloud of dust and fumes for around half an hour. Only when the dust cleared, we could see the damage. But none of us knows what happened.”

    在埃及首都开罗,警方对藏匿的武装分子展开突袭,造成至少9人被炸弹炸死,其中包括6名警察。受伤人数超过13人。当地具名 Mahmud描述了自己的所见所闻。“我们听到爆炸的声音。当我们跑到外面的时候,半个小时内什么也看不见只有浓浓的尘埃和浓雾。当尘埃落定之后,我们才看到伤亡情况。但是我们都不知道发生了什么。”

    Al-Shahab militants said they carried out an attack on a popular beach front restaurant in the Somali capital Mogadishu. Two car bombs exploded about an hour apart in the early evening. In between, as many as five gunmen approached from the beach and opened fire on diners. An eyewitness described bullets flying around and people jumping out of upstairs windows. Reports say at least three people have been killed. BBC News.


    US and European stock markets have rallied a day after billions of dollars were wiped off the value shares because of concerns about the oversupply of oil and weak economic growth. Wall Street ended the day higher as oil prices had their biggest one day gain this year. In Europe, major stock in dices closed nearly 2% up.


    The President of Haiti Michel Martelly says a runoff vote to choose his successor will go ahead on Sunday as planned despite street protests against vote-rigging in the first round. The opposition has called the electoral process a farce. Our Americas Editor Leonardo Rocha has more. “In a televised address, President Martelly accused a small group of people of trying to destroy Haiti's democratic process. The runoff election has been postponed twice amid opposition protests. President Martelly's term ends in less than three weeks. And this time, he said, the vote will go ahead. Police will be out in the streets on Sunday to make sure that those who want to vote can do so without intimidation. Earlier this week, the opposition candidate JudeCélestin said that he would pull out of the vote. He accused the electoral authorities of favoring the government candidate Jovenel Moïse.


    A US federal court has rejected a bid by 27 states to block the centerpiece of the Obama administration's strategy to tackle climate change. The Clean Power Plan aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions from power stations by nearly a third within 15 years. The states argued that the plan would damage the coal industry and increase energy costs for consumers.


    A prisoner, who's spent 14 years at Guantanamo Bay, has decided to pass up the offer of freedom. Mahammed Bwazir, who's from Yemen, rejected the chance to leave the US base in Cuba to go and live in an unnamed new country. He's not allowed to return to Yemen. And he said he would only leave for a place where he already had family. BBC News.

    在关塔那摩湾度过了14年的囚犯决定放弃自由,拒绝出狱。Mahammed Bwazi,来自也门。他拒绝离开美国在古巴的基地,前往陌生国家生活的机会。但他也不允许回到也门。 Bwazi表示只会和家人生活在一起。BBC新闻。


    Hello, I'm Justin Grain with the BBC News.

    One of key suspects in the murder in London of Alexander Litvinenko theformer Russian spy has told the BBC he had nothing to do with his death bypoisoning 10 years ago. A British inquiry has concluded that President Putinprobably approved the assassination of Mr. Litvinenko. But the suspect AndreiLugovoi called this nonsense. He also said the inquiry was nothing morethan invention, supposition and rumors, as Sarah Rainsford reports fromMoscow. “Asked of the telling trail of radioactive polonium that he left acrossLondon, Andrei Lugovoi claimed that was laid by the British intelligenceagents in a bid to implicate him and to blacken the image of Russia. Just likethe Kremlin spokesman and Russia's Foreign Ministry, his tone in referring tothe Litvinenko inquiry was defiant, even mocking. When asked if he wasprepared to appear in court in the UK to prove his innocence, Mr. Lugovoisaid there was more chance of the moon becoming part of the earth than of himbeing extradited. That, he said, is impossible.” The British government accusedMoscow of committing an unacceptable breach of international law. But Russianofficials described the inquiry's findings as a gross provocation that wouldworsen ties with Britain.

    The Tunisian Prime Minister Habib Essid has cut short a European tour toreturn to the country after another day of clashes between security forces andprotesters demanding jobs. The demonstrations began this week in the town of Kasserineand spread to other cities. Rana Jawad is in Tunisia. “On Thursday night,security officials and local media said two neighborhoods in the capital Tuniswere rocked by protests and public disorder. They say some people vandalizedand tried to loot some shops there prompting the National Guard to intervene.One town in the south of the country saw two police stations and seven policecars set ablaze by demonstrators according to the Ministry of Interior. Thestate says it needs more time to reverse a long legacy of high unemploymentrates in the country.”

    At least nine people, including six policemen, have been killed by a bombduring a raid on a militant hideout in the Egyptian capital Cairo. More than 13others were injured. This local resident, Mahmud Abu Bahad, described what he'dheard and seen. “We heard a sound of explosion. When we ran outside, we could seenothing but a dense cloud of dust and fumes for around half an hour. Only whenthe dust cleared, we could see the damage. But none of us knows what happened.”

    Al-Shahab militants said they carried out an attack on a popular beach frontrestaurant in the Somali capital Mogadishu. Two car bombs exploded about anhour apart in the early evening. In between, as many as five gunmen approachedfrom the beach and opened fire on diners. An eyewitness described bulletsflying around and people jumping out of upstairs windows. Reports say at least threepeople have been killed. BBC News.

    US and European stock markets have rallied a day afterbillions of dollars were wiped off the value shares because of concerns aboutthe oversupply of oil and weak economic growth. Wall Street ended the dayhigher as oil prices had their biggest one day gain this year. In Europe, majorstock indices closed nearly 2% up.

    The President of Haiti Michel Martelly says a runoff vote to choose hissuccessor will go ahead on Sunday as planned despite street protests againstvote-rigging in the first round. The opposition has called the electoralprocess a farce. Our Americas Editor Leonardo Rocha has more. “In a televisedaddress, President Martelly accused a small group of people of trying todestroy Haiti's democratic process. The runoff election has been postponedtwice amid opposition protests. President Martelly's term ends in lessthan three weeks. And this time, he said, the vote will go ahead. Police willbe out in the streets on Sunday to make sure that those who want to vote can doso without intimidation. Earlier this week, the opposition candidate JudeCélestin said that he would pull out of the vote. He accused theelectoral authorities of favoring the government candidate Jovenel Moïse.

    A US federal court has rejected a bid by 27 states to block the centerpiece ofthe Obama administration's strategy to tackle climate change. The Clean PowerPlan aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions from power stations by nearly a thirdwithin 15 years. The states argued that the plan would damage the coal industryand increase energy costs for consumers.

    A prisoner, who's spent 14 years at Guantanamo Bay, has decided to pass up theoffer of freedom. Mahammed Bwazir, who's from Yemen, rejected the chance toleave the US base in Cuba to go and live in an unnamed new country. He's notallowed to return to Yemen. And he said he would only leave for a place wherehe already had family. BBC News.

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