Hello, I'm Thomas Anders with the BBC News.
The BBC has learned that the sportswear manufacturer Adidas plans to end its multi-million-dollar sponsorship deal with athletics world governing body in the wake of a doping scandal. Our sports editor Dan Roan has more. “Last year,the World Anti-doping Agency in a damning report found systematic evidence of state-sponsored cheating in Russia. As a result of that, that country was banned from international competition in track and field. And then, just 10days ago, now, Dick Pound, the Head of that WADA Commission, issued another report, this time focusing on wrongdoing of the governing body itself. The company's decision to pull out early, four years early, in fact, could, we understand, cost the IWAF tens of millions of dollars.”
The President of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani has warned that if peace talks with the Taliban don't start by April, the conflict would intensify, and such eventuality would have consequences across the region. He spoke to Lyse Doucet who sent this report. “President Ghani told me a new chapter would have to open in the next few months. If not, he said, the conflict would intensify.Afghanistan is urging neighboring Pakistan to take action against groups operating from its territory, who refused to join talks. His warning comes at a time when the Taliban has been gaining ground, but is still divided.Disaffected fighters have been lured into the ranks of the so called Islamic State, and carried out their first suicide bombings in the eastern city of Jalalabad this month. President Ghani declared that Afghans would fight back against the group, also known as Daesh.”
阿富汗总统阿什拉夫·加尼·艾哈迈德扎伊称,如果截止到四月份与塔利班的和平谈判尚未开始进行,那么两者之间的冲突就会加剧。这样导致的后果将会影响整个地区。Lyse Doucet同问您带来详细报道:“加尼总统称,未来数月将会开启新的篇章。否则的话,阿富汗和塔利班的冲突将会加剧。同时阿富汗敦促巴基斯坦一同打击塔利班。加尼总统发布此报告时,塔利班已经有所掠夺,但是内部仍存在分歧。本月,一些试图叛变的战士已经被诱导到伊斯兰国的领域,在贾拉拉巴德进行第一次自杀式爆炸。加尼总统称,阿富汗将会彻底打击这些武装分子。”
The leaders of all, but one, of Australia's states and territories have signed a declaration calling for the country to become a republic. The petition was organized by the Australian Republican Movement,which wants constitutional change to replace Queen Elizabeth as head of states.The Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, a former leader of the Republican camp, has said another referendum on the issue was not a priority at the moments.
澳大利亚8个州和领地的其中7名领导人签署宣言,要求该国推选自己的国家元首,成为共和国制度。这一请愿书是由澳大利亚共和运动组织的,该组织希望澳大利亚通过改变宪法取代英国在位君王伊丽莎白的统治。 唯一没签宣言的是西澳州长巴尼特,他虽然支持共和国制度,但认为“现在不是对的时间”。
Millions of people across the eastern United States are clearing up after one of the biggest winter storms in decades. Government offices in Washington and many schools will be closed on Monday. Laura Bicker reports. “From West Virginia to southern Maine, millions of people have been digging out after oneof the worst winter storms ever recorded. Over 70 centimeters of snow fell in Washington, officials hope to have the public transport system and the city's two main airports open again for the start of the working week. New York is also recovering from its second largest snowfall. Travel restrictions have been lifted, although the public has been warned to make only essential journeys to help emergency vehicles with the clear-up. Medical centers say they are getting ready to respond to heart attacks and broken bones as residents shovel snow away from their pathways. You're listening to the latest world news from the BBC.
Hello, I'm Thomas Anders with the BBC News.
The BBC has learnt that the sportswear manufacturer Adidas plans to end itsmulti-million-dollar sponsorship deal with athletics world governing body inthe wake of a doping scandal. Our sports editor Dan Roan has more. “Last year,the World Anti-doping Agency in a damningreport found systematic evidence ofstate-sponsored cheating in Russia. As a result of that, that country wasbanned from international competition in track and field. And then, just 10days ago, now, Dick Pound, the Head of that WADA Commission, issued anotherreport, this time focusing on wrongdoing of the governing body itself. Thecompany's decision to pull out early, four years early, in fact, could, weunderstand, cost the IWAF tens of millions of dollars.”
The President of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani has warned that if peace talks withthe Taliban don't start by April, the conflict would intensify, and sucheventuality would have consequences across the region. He spoke to Lyse Doucetwho sent this report. “President Ghani told me a new chapter would have to openin the next few months. If not, he said, the conflict would intensify.Afghanistan is urging neighboring Pakistan to take action against groupsoperating from its territory, who refused to join talks. His warning comes at atime when the Taliban has been gaining ground, but is still divided.Disaffected fighters have been lured into the ranks of the so called IslamicState, and carried out their first suicide bombings in the eastern city of Jalalabadthis month. President Ghani declared that Afghans would fight back against thegroup, also known as Daesh.”
The leaders of all, but one, of Australia's states andterritories have signed a declaration calling for the country to become arepublic. The petition was organized by the Australian Republican Movement,which wants constitutional change to replace Queen Elizabeth as head of states.The Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, a former leader of the Republicancamp, has said another referendum on the issue was not a priority at the moments.
Millions of people across the eastern United States are clearing up after oneof the biggest winter storms in decades. Government offices in Washington andmany schools will be closed on Monday. Laura Bicker reports. “From WestVirginia to southern Maine, millions of people have been digging out after oneof the worst winter storms ever recorded. Over 70 centimeters of snow fell inWashington, officials hope to have the public transport system and the city's twomain airports open again for the start of the working week. New York is alsorecovering from its second largest snowfall. Travel restrictions have beenlifted, although the public has been warned to make only essential journeys tohelp emergency vehicles with the clear-up. Medical centers say they are gettingready to respond to heart attacks and broken bones as residents shovel snowaway from their pathways. You're listening to the latest world news fromthe BBC.